10/4 WWE Hell in a Cell PPV - CM Punk vs Undertaker | Cena vs Orton | DX vs Legacy (p12)

Lots of interesting stuff here.

Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

News & Notes

Details on who has arrived backstage for tonight's RAW.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Kofo Kingston and Hornswoggle arrive together.[/font]

What creative is thinking in regards to feuds leading into Survivor Series and beyond.

- There is a lot of back and forth currently amongst the writing crew as to where to take the top programs after the upcoming Hell in a Cell pay-per-view. No one really has a clear cut idea on where to take the angles into Survivor Series and beyond. The biggest blanks seem to being drawn on John Cena and CM Punk. They want to keep the title on both, but are struggling with ways to keep that going. There is a serious drought of top heels on Raw, especially with the impending turn of Ted DiBiase. As for Punk, some still feel it is too soon to take the title off of him after his big angle with Jeff Hardy, so for now, nothing is set in stone.
So basically creative has no idea (as usual).

Backstage opinion of Rey Mysterio's return program from his suspension.

- I'm told there's quite an amount of discontent amongst some of the workers about Rey Mysterio being thrust back into a top programupon his return from his 30-day Wellness Policy suspension. There's two sides to this. Everyone understands how popular Mysterio is and it'd be somewhat of a waste to not put him back in a main program upon his return, but on the other hand, some feel it sends out the wrong message that he's basically getting off easy for a suspension and doing an unapproved media interview (which officials were livid about). Some are speculating that this is all happening because there is legitimate worry about keeping Mysterio "as happy as possible" so he doesn't abandon WWE for a big money deal in Mexico, which has been discussed in the past.
If Mysterio didn't move merchandise, he'd probably be released

Chris Jericho questions WWE's brand split and says there is a need for new top stars.

Chris Jericho was recently interviewed by Canoe.ca's SLAM! Wrestling about next week's SmackDown 10-year anniversary special, teaming with the Big Show, his initial concern that WWE SmackDown would be a failure like WCW's second show (Thunder) became, his band Fozzy, Jim Ross' legacy and more. However, some of the more newsworthy quotes came when Jericho was talking about areas where WWE needs improvement.

When asked about how he thinks WWE's brand split is going so far and whether he thinks WWE has a deep enough roster to support three seperate shows, he said:

"I think it was a better idea then than it is now. There was a lot more talent when they did the brand extension. You could actually split the rosters in two; create some competition for ourselves, especially after WCW went under. Sometimes I wonder if we should still do that with talent roster the way that it is with a lot of younger guys. It's a good idea to give them a chance to shine, but for me the way right now, especially working Raw and Smackdown, it shows that some guys should do both shows because we need the diversity on both. But still, week in and week out, they still make it entertaining, build up a lot of Smackdown and they do it more on Raw as well, there's room for everyone on the show, some just have to kind of grab the brass ring and run with it. I'm happy to be on both shows, I like contributing to both."

He also acknowledged that WWE is in need of some new faces in the top spots and says WWE is making the same mistakes that doomed WCW back in the late 90s. "They have to keep the wheels turning; they can't just base it on the same guys year in and year out. That's how business fails; that's how WCW failed. We have some young guys that are ready to grasp it and there are other guys that aren't. They're going to have to speed up the process a bit.

Jericho mentioned John Morrison, Legacy, Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger, Kofi Kingston. The Miz and Evan Bourne as guys who are improving and have a lot of upside potential. "Now is the time, we need these guys to step up and the thing is too, is you say step up, step up, step up, but some guys just aren't capable; they're not ready because they don't have the experience yet. But as long they are improving every week, and those are guys that I kind of see as being the next wave of the company, when my generation of guys is retired or not at the same level as we are now."

Jericho speaks the truth.

Matt Striker to Smackdown?

- There has been talk lately of moving Matt Striker to SmackDown to work with Jim Ross. There isn't any heat on Todd Grisham, just talk of a different sound on SmackDown and officials are very high up on Striker's work and want a bigger audience for it.


John Cena on Bryan Danielson to WWE and developing new stars.

- In an interview with SLAM! Wrestling, WWE Champion John Cena spoke about WWE signing some of Ring of Honor's top talent, the need for WWE to develop new young stars, winning his 6th world title and more. When asked whether there's any backstage buzz regarding the signings of Ring of Honor wrestlers Bryan Danielson and Nigel McGuinness. "Certainly, if the locker room remembers that Velocity match [between Cena and Danielson] a long time ago, they're much more of the historian category than I am," Cena said. "We're always happy to get any sort of talent. I think Bryan will be a wonderful acquisition for the program, as well as any of our developmental superstars." Cena also commented WWE's need to develop new stars, a topic that many WWE superstars (most recently Chris Jericho) have spoken about in recent interviews. "The good news is that the company is not clearly behind one person," he said. "They're kind of spreading themselves out to see who works out. Between Miz between (John) Morrison, between Sheamus, between Cody Rhodes, Ted DiBiase, Kofi Kingston, there are so many guys that are getting a shot -- finally. It's just good to see a lot of people getting a shot at once rather than the company firmly backing one individual."
It's one thing to give people a shot. It's another to actually give them a push.

Ken Kennedy blaming Randy Orton privately for his release.

Ken Anderson (former WWE star Mr. Kennedy) has continued to privately blame Randy Orton for his release from WWE. Anderson had actually hinted this in some recent interviews, but has never fully come out and said it.

It should be noted that both Anderson and Orton were thought of by many wrestlers as being good friends and he was said to be very unhappy about the whole situation since his wife and Orton's wife were good friends as well. Many people close to the situation didn't believe Orton had anything to do with Anderson's firing, although the timeline of events seem to match up. This includes Kennedy dropping Orton on his bad shoulder during his first match back on Raw and Orton giving Anderson a big talk backstage afterwards that everyone was aware of. Then, a few days later, Anderson was released by the company.

This is of course the timeline that Anderson has been spelling out and discussing in interviews and why he feels this to be the case. Anderson did make it clear that Triple H often criticized his promos for being "too comedic for a main event" (which many find interesting considering Triple H's involvement with DX). One thing that is clear is that he had some major heat on him within WWE over the public interviews about steroids (which he later tested positive for) and the general feeling is that the situation with Orton was the last straw of sorts. Plus, keep in mind when all of this went down during the "Denver Dabacle" week in what many described as a time where a lot of decisions made weren't that rational.

Kennedy is a injury-prone crybaby.

Heat on Maryse from divas in the wrestling industry.

Maryse Ouellet is not exactly the most popular person among her peers in the wrestling industry as many find her to be aloof, arrogant and conceited, not to mention baring little difference from her egotistical on-screen persona. Nonetheless, it is quite rare for today's WWE Divas and TNA Knockouts to publicly speak ill of a fellow peer, even if they're largely disliked. However, in Maryse's case, we have five separate accounts of the former Divas Champion not exactly receiving the warmest of praise.

In a recent interview with MichelleMcCool.net, McCool labeled Maryse as "conceited" while playing Word Association. Considering she did the entire interview out of character and was complementary towards everyone else in Word Association, this should be a pretty good indication of how she truly feels about Maryse.

In another instance, Candice Michelle, who rarely has a bad word to say about anyone, was none too complementary towards her former co-worker in her first interview since being released by World Wrestling Entertainment. When asked to give her thoughts on Maryse this past summer, Michelle issued a backhanded compliment by saying she's progressed well but uses "the same three moves over and over."

If you recall back in May, Maryse took a page out of "The Beautiful People" playbook by spraying Mickie James with hair spray during an episode of Raw, thus allowing Kelly Kelly to dump her out of the ring and win a Divas Battle Royal. As you would imagine, both TNA Knockouts - Angelina Love and Velvet Sky - were none too pleased with this occurrence, feeling she had copied their style. They immediately went to the web to let their true feelings out regarding their blonde rival up North.

Without referring to her by name, Love wrote two brief notes obviously regarding Maryse's play of "gimmick infringement" on her "Status and Mood Updates" on her MySpace account - which is similar to "tweeting."

"You can try, but you cant and you never will be TBP!!!," Love vehemently wrote. Later that day, she added: "The Beautiful People- often imitated, NEVER duplicated!!"

Likewise, Velvet Sky chimed in with similar thoughts regarding this "certain model" copying "The Beautiful People."

"Wonders why a certain "model" (ugh!) in wrestling has to copy TBP'S S style?!?!?!," Sky cried." She later added: "Laughs at the "model" who thinks she can come close to TBP'S style!" She also had her mood set to "models suck!!"

In a recent interview with The Wrestler, Lisa Marie Varon was asked to name the wrestler who behaves most like their on-air character. It's interesting to note that the first wrestler she named was Maryse.

"(Laughs) I think Maryse is very close to her character," Varon said.

While not necessarily a diss, considering Maryse portrays an egotistical "I'm better than you" heel, Varon's comment does not portray her in a good light.

Maryse is the best diva in wrestling. Everyone else is just jealous. Especially that ugly broad Michelle McCool.

Vince makes sure Punk takes shots at Jeff Hardy.

Vince McMahon made the call for CM Punk to cut a promo on Jeff Hardy at Breaking Point. Punk had already cut a promo, but Vince made the decision to add in the Hardy comments and re-shoot the promo.
Vince is so petty

Zack Ryder's push to continue.

- Look for Zack Ryder's push to maintain over the next few months. WWE officials are very pleased with the progress he has made since changing gimmicks and working singles, and while many contribute the quality of his matches to the fact of how good Christian is, the writers are still thrilled and looking for more ways to utilize him.
I cannot stand the way the WWE hypes up B and C level celebrities as major stars. We get it... you're trying to be accepted in the mainstream. Only noreal media cares. Shaq is the only host that really got any coverage, and that was only to joke about his role, not to elevate the WWE.

That opening segment sucked. I would be booing him too.

Yo I DIE every time Jericho starts with his "hypocrites, tapeworms and parasites" rant. Y2J is that dude.
That was a pretty good match. I actually thought mvp was gonna get y2j on that rollup.
Mickie been botching a whole bunch of moves lately.

She still got a fat %#@ though.

That main event on SD...

EDIT: 4000 posts
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Mickie been botching a whole bunch of moves lately.
I think it's been more about the people she's been working with. Rosa is incompetent in the ring. Gail Kim was half unconscious.
I wish that was Mickie in that porno I saw a while back.

I really don't get the point of the WWE Diva anymore. Since the E went PG they have been deemed useless. If you want to keep this division around get womenwho can wrestle.
DiBiase needs to speak up a bit more when he's talking...he's not horrible on the mic but dude is just "talking" out there...raise your voicesometimes G.
Originally Posted by chino905

Thanks guys. And NT is actually the main reason I got back into Wrestling.
Thought I was the only one. Great pics. One day, I'll sign up for gwo.yuku. Soon, but not not yet....

So much for Blackdown. One day, my dark brothers. One day.
A dream deferred is a dream denied.

Smart, Sexy, Powerful

Everytime. I know they're gonna say it but still
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