10/23 WWE Vengeance PPV - Del Rio vs Cena Last Man Stndng, Punk/HHH vs Miz/Truth, Henry vs Show p19

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

How would you guys feel if DDP was hired as the RAW gm?
i would have no interest whatsoever. they should bring foley back as the raw gm. bigger name, has experience as an authority figure.
Those spoilers can't be true. 
Originally Posted by fx2

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

How would you guys feel if DDP was hired as the RAW gm?
i would have no interest whatsoever. they should bring foley back as the raw gm. bigger name, has experience as an authority figure.


its a television show.
Club already going after the newb.

I see potential in TNA, too. It's just.. I don't know. I have to see how things go down.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

How would you guys feel if DDP was hired as the RAW gm?

It was probably just piss me off and remind me of Invasion when Undertaker no sold everything and just beat him senseless.
Him and Booker were my 2 favorite WCW guys and every once in awhile I get still get salty about that.
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

How would you guys feel if DDP was hired as the RAW gm?

It was probably just piss me off and remind me of Invasion when Undertaker no sold everything and just beat him senseless.
Him and Booker were my 2 favorite WCW guys and every once in awhile I get still get salty about that.
Word. I loved DDP growing up. He was my 2nd favorite behind Sting. Worst part about the Undertake feud was..well.... everything.

I could have lived with the real DDP jobbing to the real Undertaker.But that raper/stalker DDP vs. Biker Boy Taker we got...
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Originally Posted by fx2

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

How would you guys feel if DDP was hired as the RAW gm?
i would have no interest whatsoever. they should bring foley back as the raw gm. bigger name, has experience as an authority figure.


its a television show.
yeah and whats your point?

Spoiler [+]
GotHolesInMySocks thinking he's doing it:
Now back to the NTRaw Supershow. We have 3 main events booked.

3. JNSQ VS HombreLobo

Oh, by the way.....

the JNSQ/HombreLobo match will have a special referee...


Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi


In preparation for our match with GHIMS as the special guest referee me and my old taggin' buddy JNSQ looked up some of GHIMS' past history. Ya know, cause we want to be sure that we are having a match with an accredited individual who can handle the task at hand. Well, to say the least, we found some interesting footage from his days in the independents as the "Freight Train".

Johnny in the back...

ROLL THE CLIP! (Skip to 00:26)

See you at the SuperShow sockeyboy!


@TNA giving the title to James Storm after building up Rhoode as that dude for the past 2 months. TNA is starting to remind me of WCW around 2000 with more has beens tho.
so this will lead to an emotional title match between storm and roode.

if built right, this could turn out to be very good

Oh and also, regarding the JNSQ/HombreLobo match with me as referee....

i want no ooutside interference, so i got me a special enforcer to be outside

Spoiler [+]
apparently hogan was interviewed on hot 97 and he talks about bret, owen, austin, warrior

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Originally Posted by fx2

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

How would you guys feel if DDP was hired as the RAW gm?
i would have no interest whatsoever. they should bring foley back as the raw gm. bigger name, has experience as an authority figure.


its a television show.

4wrestling wrote:
I see potential with TNA....

The changing of the guard is happening.
My bad about the lack of promos. So much in my personal life is going on (a lot of good, though) so I'm just catching up with everything/one

Thursday will be my next promo.
might be late on this but oh well

[h1]Scott Hall, a cautionary tale[/h1]
By Ben Houser

[h5]E60: Scott Hall[/h5]
At the height of professional wrestling in the 1990's, Scott Hall was adored by millions, his name chanted by adoring fans. Today, he has hit rock bottom. E:60 follows his descent from superstar to a broken man battling alcoholism and drug addiction but still trying to hold on to the glory he once found in the ring.Tags: E60, Scott Hall
E60: Scott Hall

Scott Hall was a wrestling superstar in the early 1990s, his immensely popular character the "Scarface"-like Razor Ramon. Later, he was one of the faces of the faction dubbed the New World Order, which was part of World Championship Wrestling. Now, at age 52, Hall has a pacemaker and takes about a dozen pills daily to deal with anxiety and pain. He's been arrested several times since his final stint with WWE in 2002 and has publically discussed his struggles with drugs and alcohol.

"There's got to be some reason that I'm still here," Hall told "E:60," which will air a story about him Wednesday. "I should have been dead 100 times. I should have been dead 100 times."

Hall said many of the older wrestlers of his generation are "all dinosaurs now and we're all retired and dead. The young guys coming up now aren't drinking and drugging and stuff I hope as bad as we did. …

[+] Enlarge
Copyright, 2011 World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc.Pro wrestler Scott Hall.

"I tell my kids this, 'I can't tell you not to drink and do drugs, they are fun. It's fun. They work,'" Hall said. "But what sucks is when you want to quit and you can't, and pretty soon you alienate or you hurt everyone around you. It's a family disease and then you can't keep a promise to anybody. What sucks the most is when you can't even keep a promise to yourself."

Stephanie McMahon, World Wrestling Entertainment's executive vice president of creative development and operations, said WWE has sent Hall to rehab multiple times and spent "in the six figures" on efforts to help him get sober.

"It's the most amount of money we've spent on anyone," she said. "I just want Scott to get help and to decide for himself that he needs help. It makes me sad. I don't want anybody to pass away prematurely or otherwise really. Scott was an incredibly talented performer, larger than life, charismatic. He's a father, he's a friend. I'm sure he means a lot to a lot of people and it would be a shame for him to pass away."

Hall's story of drugs and stints in rehab highlights the substance-abuse problems some former wrestlers have faced, and the efforts WWE has undertaken to try to help its ex-stars. It's a problem professional wrestling has faced off and on since it hit the big time 26 years ago. On pay-per-view TV, the world was introduced to a combination of entertainment and celebrity dubbed "Wrestlemania." The main event was Hulk Hogan and Mr. T battling Rowdy Roddy Piper and Paul "Mr. Wonderful" Orndorff. That day, March 31, 1985, professional wrestling went mainstream. Liberace attended, Cyndi Lauper was a manager and Muhammad Ali was a referee. After all the glitz and glamour, professional wrestling became big over the next decade -- and behind the scenes it was, at times, debauchery.

"Back in that era it was pretty much sex, drugs and rock 'n roll," said Mike Mooneyham, who writes a wrestling column for the Charleston (S.C.) Post and Courier. "I mean it was really the wild, wild west. There were very few rules. These guys were outlaws. … These guys were abusing drugs and there wasn't a lot of drug testing going on at that time."

WWE, which created "Wrestlemania," has been criticized over the years for its culture, which has involved allegations of steroid and other drug abuse. In 2006, a year before Chris Benoit's suicide, WWE took steps to improve the health of its independently contracted in-ring performers, offering a substance-abuse program as part of a talent wellness program. McMahon said WWE sends hundreds of letters out to "as many as we could identify as ever having a contract with the WWE."

"In addition to that substance and abuse program, we also have cardiovascular testing, we do blood checks, we do physicals, we do concussion testing akin to the NFL," McMahon said. "We're really about maintaining the health and well-being of our superstars because without our superstars we don't have a business."

[+] Enlarge
ESPNPro wrestler Hulk Hogan.

In addition, McMahon and others said, the culture of wrestling is changing. Today, top-level professional wrestling has gone corporate, and there's a greater influence on health.

"The superstars of today -- they're businessmen," she said. "They realize the healthier they maintain their bodies, the better they are going to perform, the more money they're going to make. They're more about playing with their iPads and gaming devices than they are about going out and hanging out at the bars."

Terry Bollea, better known as Hulk Hogan, said the "mindset has changed." He said the culture has shifted from bigger is better to healthier is best.

"Wrestlers have been more educated, more up to speed," said Hogan, an executive with TNA IMPACT wrestling. "I mean before, back in the day, you'd have the match at Madison Square Garden, the Boston Garden, all the wrestlers would see each other down at the Marriott bar. Nowadays, all the guys go up and they go to the room and play video games, or go on their computer."

Hogan now makes decisions about the TNA IMPACT wrestling roster. In Philadelphia on Sunday, Hogan will mix it up in the ring once again against rival wrestler Sting at a pay-per-view event, "Bound for Glory." At age 58, his fondness of performing is still evident, but now he is more careful. He no longer performs his trademark signature move, the leg drop, on his opponents.

"You calculate every move," he said. "You don't jump off the top rope anymore. You keep your boots on the ground. You definitely make sure you paint with broad strokes and you make sure you capture the audiences' emotions early."

Hogan is a rarity, bridging the gap from vintage to current. There are others, too. The Undertaker is still dropping Tombstones in the WWE at age 46. Ric Flair, age 62, is wrestling too, still yelling his trademark, "Woooo."

While some of the old guard is still wrestling, others are struggling. Matt Hardy was most recently a headliner for TNA IMPACT this year. He worked for WWE previously. Hardy's image has splashed the pages of TMZ for multiple drug offenses. He has since been released by TNA IMPACT and has had several rehab stints.

"For every Scott Hall there's a guy like Arn Anderson," said Cody Rhodes, who grew up a fan of Hall and is currently the WWE intercontinental champion. "There's a guy like Tito Santana, who went through '70s, '80s, '90s and his son's in an Ivy League school, and he still does independent wrestling. He still laces up the boots, but just for fun, not for bills or anything like that."

Ben Houser is a senior producer for "E:60." "E:60" Associate Producer John Minton III contributed to this report.
TNA just got my attention again. Might have to set the dvr thurs, always was a james storm fan
You know NTWT Universe, I have been doing my best to put together Team NTRaw, but I'm really just feeling that the the juice and excitement is missing from this team.  The entire NTRaw roster has been in a state of hibernation.  The NTSmackdown squad is younger, hungrier, trying to make a name for themselves.  I'm really feeling a bit nervous right now.  The NTRaw team feels complacent.  It's time to inject some life into this team.  Some energy.  And there's only one way I can do that......



The CEO love it!


I give you two great promos and you still pick the conspiracy theorist? I AM DISAPPOINT.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

How would you guys feel if DDP was hired as the RAW gm?

It would probably just piss me off and remind me of Invasion when Undertaker no sold everything and just beat him senseless.
Him and Booker were my 2 favorite WCW guys and every once in awhile I get still get salty about that.
Word. I loved DDP growing up. He was my 2nd favorite behind Sting. Worst part about the Undertake feud was..well.... everything.

I could have lived with the real DDP jobbing to the real Undertaker.But that raper/stalker DDP vs. Biker Boy Taker we got...

Man I remember that pop from the crowd when DDP revealed himself as the "stalker", that whole roof blew off. Back then I was thinking
DDP was about to be a major player, and they immediately killed his steam after that. I couldn't believe Taker beat down DDP for over
ten minutes at KOTR. Like, DDP who kick Taker in the nuts, and Taker was shrug that off and blast him with a chair. It was ridiculous.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

so this will lead to an emotional title match between storm and roode.

if built right, this could turn out to be very good

Oh and also, regarding the JNSQ/HombreLobo match with me as referee....

i want no ooutside interference, so i got me a special enforcer to be outside

Spoiler [+]


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