10/23 WWE Vengeance PPV - Del Rio vs Cena Last Man Stndng, Punk/HHH vs Miz/Truth, Henry vs Show p19

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

"Tonight Rey Mysteiro is returning"
"Returning to San Diego to see his doctor about more rehab!"
Won't lie, I 

The Mexico fans were heated!!
Yea seriously, opening talking segments in Mexico, SURE! Especially with Ace's Mike McGillicutty like promo
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Anyone see that hot little chica creaming herself when Orton came out? 
all of the women are like that at wrestling events i went to three AAA shows and one CMLL before the wrestlers actually take the girls with them after the show trust me i saw it so many time and yes i was very jelly 
Originally Posted by Grimey

since when do they show the wrestler's twitter accounts during their entrance

With ratings and buy rates plummeting, they need to get their Twitter #'s up so they have something to brag about in the Did You Knows.
Lauranitis needs to read a teleprompter, he's messed up at least 5 times already
Originally Posted by 10508 Cardo Jr Ln

Originally Posted by Peep Game

My man Brodus Clay bout to start killin dudes

Who that..? Dude looked like Hugh Morris 
He was on one of the seasons of NXT.  Then he was Del Rio's bodyguard for about 2 months (and subsequently jobbed every week).
He used to be one of Snoop's bodyguards.
Booker and R Truth's, butchering of the English language is down right embarrassing and deplorable. We have to do better...
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