10/23 WWE Vengeance PPV - Del Rio vs Cena Last Man Stndng, Punk/HHH vs Miz/Truth, Henry vs Show p19

Oct 15, 2000

I'll start with a quick recap of last night's TNA Impact Wrestling Bound for Glory PPV.  Bound for Glory is TNA's WrestleMania, and up until the main event, the show was really delivering. But we've seen it 100's of times.  A good PPV can be ruined and remembered negatively because of a bad main event.  And it's not even that the main event was particularly bad, especially considering Angle's injury, but the result was just dumbfounding.  I would still say that Bound for Glory was better than WrestleMania, but it won't be in the running for PPV of the year.  Here's my quick recap.

  • Austin Aries d Brian Kendrick to retain the X Division Title.  Very good opener.  Austin Aries was awesome, and the crowd loved him even though he was the heel.  Kendrick needs to desperately be repackaged.
  • Rob Van Dam d Jerry Lynn in a Full Metal Mayhem (TLC) match.  These guys killed themselves, especially Lynn.  A ton of huge, dangerous spots.  Good match that the crowd liked, but I doubt either can walk today.
  • Crimson d Samoa Joe and Matt Morgan.  The crowd wanted Joe to win and weren't fans of Crimson.  The match was alright, nothing special.  I would suspect Joe may be gone after this match.
  • Ken Anderson d Bully Ray in a Philly Street Fight.  Bully cut an awesome heel promo that turned the Philly crowd against him.  The crowd wasn't much into Anderson, but they did boo Bully.  These guys took a lot of big spots, taking bumps through tables and onto guard rails.  They fought backstage and Anderson took a piledriver on the concrete which was basically no sold.  The finish came when Anderson went for a senton off the ropes to the outside to put Bully through a table, but he overshot the table and landed hard on the ground.  He got up, hit the Mic Check to put Bully through the table and get the win.  Good match.
  • We found out Jackson James is Bischoff's son.
  • Velvet Sky d Madison Rayne, Winter, and Mickie James to win the Knockouts Title.  Karen was the ref.  She got taken out, so Traci Brooks came down and counted the pin.  Bad, clusterf*** of a match.  Went too long and the crowd turned on it.
  • AJ Styles d Christopher Daniels in an I Quit Match.  This was the worst match of the night other than the women.  It wasn't the right time for an I Quit match in this program, and it really took away from the match.  They kept checking to see if the other would quit from the smallest of moves.  The guys were just screaming and grunting into the mic.  Daniels then said he was going to murder Styles which didn't get over with the crowd.  The finish saw Styles get a screwdriver which Daniels introduced earlier.  Daniels quit immediately and ran away.  Then as Styles was celebrating, Daniels laid him out from behind.  Awful match.
  • Sting d Hulk Hogan.  Awful wrestling but a fun match.  Flair was at ringside.  Both men bled, and Hogan actually took a few bumps but looked really bad.  Sting tapped him out with the softest Scorpion Deathlock of all time.  Hogan was tapping, but Jackson James didn't want to call the match, but he eventually did.  Immortal came and laid out Sting after the match until Hogan Hulked up and he and Sting cleared the ring.  Crowd loved it, and I did, too.  But this is the last time I need to see Hogan in the ring.
  • Kurt Angle d Bobby Roode to retain the TNA Heavyweight Title.  Kurt had his right quad heavily taped.  The match went about 14 minutes, and you could tell Angle was really hurting.  Not much heat to start the match coming off the Hogan/Sting deal, but it picked up by the end with dueling chants.  Angle took a ridiculous German suplex off the top rope, and also did a moonsault spot where he landed on his feet which definitely killed his leg.  The finish saw Roode go for a fisherman's suplex, but Angle reversed into the Angle Slam.  As he made the cover, Roode got his arm under the bottom rope and Angle held the rope for leverage, but the ref saw neither and counted the pin for Angle.  The X was immediately thrown up.  Angle had to take off his boot and was helped to the back.  Roode looked on from the ring in shock.
The reports are that Roode was scheduled to win the title, but it was a last minute audible to give Angle the belt.  Many believe that Hogan's comments and influence about Roode were what caused the company to keep the belt on Angle.  It was really the wrong move to not put the belt on Roode last night.  He will never have more momentum than he had last night, and it made it look like he couldn't get it done on the big stage.  Roode will probably win the belt at the next PPV, but TNA blew the opportunity last night.  It would have been a title win and moment that people really remembered.

Overall, I give the show a slight thumbs up.  If Roode would have won the title, it would have been a thumbs up.  And if Styles and Daniels had a normal match, it would have been a huge thumbs up.  Still, better than most of the WWE and TNA PPVs this year.

And yes, some may have hated the Sting/Hogan stuff, but I took it for the nostalgic fun that it was and enjoyed it.

Raw tonight is a taped show from Saturday night at the Palacio de los Deportes in Mexico City.  The matches are:

Randy Orton & Sheamus & John Morrison vs. Mark Henry & Cody Rhodes & Christian

Eve Torres vs. Natalya

C.M. Punk vs. The Miz

Zack Ryder vs. Jack Swagger

Mason Ryan vs. Dolph Ziggler

John Cena & Jim Ross vs. Alberto Del Rio & Michael Cole

The crowd was not happy with this show as there were a lot of promos in English.  Also, they obviously have the Spanish announce team, so they have no idea what most of the tension between Cole and JR is.  I would expect a lot of piped in crowd reactions for this one.  Spoilers are posted in last week's thread if interested.

Finally, WWE has announced another new show for the WWE Network.  This network is going to fail so bad.....


WWE Network is launching in 2012, but you can be a part of it right now! Help name our newest show, a reality series featuring many of your favorite WWE Legends, all forced to live under one roof. See what happens when the most colorful and combustive personalities in WWE history shack up, break bread, and bruise egos.

What would you name this new WWE Network show? 

 1. WWE House of Fame

 2. WWE Old Timer Acres

 3. WWE Retired and Rowdy Roommates

 4. WWE Old School Yard

 5. WWE Legends House

-You're definitely right about Roode, they f'd up big time.
- Not sure what Kendrick's gimmick is supposed to be, but if he wasn't such a spazzed out
weed head, he'd still be THE Brian Kendrick and would probably be getting some kind of
Dolph Ziggler type push.
That Legends show could be hilariously epic if they put Iron Shiek on it.
If the WWE Network is a healthy dosage of old wrestling footage and a few of these reality type shows mixed in then I'll will definitely be paying for it.

I hope Santino gets some sort of unscripted reality show. Just have him doing everyday tasks. Money.

Will be watching the first half of MNF to see if Brandon Marshall does anything stupid. Then I'll be tuning in to Raw.
Originally Posted by hymen man

Prob. gonna watch the Game instead.

Might tune in from time to time, but I have little interest in watching Raw tonight after reading the spoilers.

Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

That Legends show could be hilariously epic if they put Iron Shiek on it.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]exactly what i was gonna say. never gonna happen after everything he said.[/color]
^^^Yea I really wish I didn't read those spoilers cause i usually never do. I'm really only interested in the Brodus Clay run-in.
Originally Posted by im that one

Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

That Legends show could be hilariously epic if they put Iron Shiek on it.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]exactly what i was gonna say. never gonna happen after everything he said.[/color]
Yeah I know, which is shame..Iron Sheik talking is pure entertainment.
4wrestling wrote:
Finally, WWE has announced another new show for the WWE Network.  This network is going to fail so bad.....


WWE Network is launching in 2012, but you can be a part of it right now! Help name our newest show, a reality series featuring many of your favorite WWE Legends, all forced to live under one roof. See what happens when the most colorful and combustive personalities in WWE history shack up, break bread, and bruise egos.

What would you name this new WWE Network show?

WWE Trainwreck
Originally Posted by Peep Game

^^^Yea I really wish I didn't read those spoilers cause i usually never do. I'm really only interested in the Brodus Clay run-in.

I'm not sure if that actually happened.  There were conflicting spoiler reports.  Guess we have to tune in to see 
"Tonight Rey Mysteiro is returning"
"Returning to San Diego to see his doctor about more rehab!"
Won't lie, I 
I can't believe they thought a long talking segment would be a good way to start Raw in Mexico.

Alberto Del Rio should have opened the show. Anything else is just stupid.
u guys think these crowd reactions are real or boosted or is this actually a good crowd?
Originally Posted by Grimey

u guys think these crowd reactions are real or boosted or is this actually a good crowd?

pretty sure 85% of my people dont know what the hell there talking about 
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