1/29 WWE ROYAL RUMBLE - Preview Pg 52, RR Pool Details Pg 1, RR Prediction Contest Pg 49!

Originally Posted by P1NSTR1PEZ

show has been dredful thus far, really regretting paying for this PPV thus far...pleasssse make it worth it

Yeah I haz dissapoint in the Royal Rumble thus far.

Hopefully Ziggler/Punk and the Royal Rumble match make up for it.

"What up man? You a'ight?"
Originally Posted by StillIn729

I am fearing that I just flushed $55 down the toilet 
Sorry man.
I just switched from soda to beer.  I need something to get me through this show.

It also really annoys me that there isn't a custom entrance set.  This is the 2nd biggest show of the year.  Spend some damn money.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by StillIn729

I am fearing that I just flushed $55 down the toilet 
Sorry man.
I just switched from soda to beer.  I need something to get me through this show.

It also really annoys me that there isn't a custom entrance set.  This is the 2nd biggest show of the year.  Spend some damn money.
I just grabbed my 3rd beer; I am still hopeful the rumble comes through which would be well worth $55
and they did on Ryder's fake dressing room right at the entrance point 
Originally Posted by casekicks

Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by casekicks

GotDamnit not this stupid Funk-a-Tard..

i just realized.... you're like the drew mcintyre of the NTWEF.
you should switch gimmicks.

you're welcome.

Spoiler [+]

You think so?..What other advice can you give me?..Cause it'd be nice to have you as my mentor..I mean after all you are the man who won the NTRR..Right?  

i'm surprised they let you have a tv in your locker room to watch the ntrumble from.
Web need a great match here and a hogar rumble to sacerdote this show. Three-dimensional pasta hour has been pure %*%@.
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by casekicks

Originally Posted by brasilianmami

i just realized.... you're like the drew mcintyre of the NTWEF.
you should switch gimmicks.

you're welcome.

Spoiler [+]

You think so?..What other advice can you give me?..Cause it'd be nice to have you as my mentor..I mean after all you are the man who won the NTRR..Right?  

i'm surprised they let you have a tv in your locker room to watch the ntrumble from.

Swing and a miss..Strike 3..And brasilian goes down swinging..
Originally Posted by casekicks

Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by casekicks

You think so?..What other advice can you give me?..Cause it'd be nice to have you as my mentor..I mean after all you are the man who won the NTRR..Right?  

i'm surprised they let you have a tv in your locker room to watch the ntrumble from.

Swing and a miss..Strike 3..And brasilian goes down swinging..

Okay Hornswoggle. 
Originally Posted by jdcurt2

Web need a great match here and a hogar rumble to sacerdote this show. Three-dimensional pasta hour has been pure %*%@.

The $%+#?

You drinking with Tennhouse jdcurt?
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by casekicks

Originally Posted by brasilianmami

i'm surprised they let you have a tv in your locker room to watch the ntrumble from.

Swing and a miss..Strike 3..And brasilian goes down swinging..

Okay crash holly. 

Nope, that one didnt work either..And, btw, how are you gonna use a Flair .gif when you aren't anything around here..Not the IC champ..Not the US champ..Not the World champ..Not the RR winner..Remind me again what exactly it is that you've done besides run your mouth?..And if Im so worthless and a crappy jobber and a nobody then why are you even bothering with me?..So many unanswered questions..Lets hope by the end of the ppv you answer some of them..
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