09 Real Deal College Football Discussion/No Homers - Lets geh geh GET IT!

Originally Posted by Newbs24

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Did Craig Loston even qualify? There were rumors he wouldn't/didn't and would have to go the JUCO route...
Thats what I was wondering too. Heard 4 days ago he was cleared but nothing after that. We are waiting on Adrian Witty STILL. Hope he qualifies. Need all the depth at CB this year we can get. Kid can run too. More than likely would still play this year but not until the Big Ten season starts.
Yeah last I heard Loston still wasn't in, but that's been a couple of weeks... He went to that HS in Louisiana his last semester so hewouldn't have to pass the TAKS test and all that, but who knows...

TAMU just got their JUCO corner through admissions last week as fall camp was winding down, and is still waiting on DT Chris Henderson and class startsMonday...
They need depth at both spots so damn bad too... Hendersonhad an SAT score flagged earlier in the summer and had to take it again.
Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

Riggs tried to commit to Miami, Randy turned him down


We will have 3 CBS on scholly next year.!

Riggs can play for USC UF and any other powerhouse in the country but no hes not good enough for miami

Randy is a #$%%@@! clown
I've heard were not really recruiting LJ that much. Don't know if size is the main reason or because he's doesn't have interest.

How STA backup QB a 3star?
Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

I've heard were not really recruiting LJ that much. Don't know if size is the main reason or because he's doesn't have interest.

How STA backup QB a 3star?

Yup. He wants to come to tennessee. His father and Archie Manning are really tite. I dunno.
It was supposedly a good competition for #1 QB at STA still. I'll pass.

and speakin on QBs, Jessie Scroggins will be Mitch Mustain 2.0 if he stays committed to USC. *shrugs* good Luck ++@@@
Originally Posted by i am toddzo

Judie is going to be a godsend for the Aggies this year.
Harris, Terrell and Judie could turn out to be a VERY nice CB class...

They gettin spun around by Toney Hurd... They need to move on, but they really can't afford to... He wants LSU or OSU and neither is gonna take him...He's gonna end up like Christine Michael and be at TAMU by default...
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

and speakin on QBs, Jessie Scroggins will be Mitch Mustain 2.0 if he stays committed to USC. *shrugs* good Luck ++@@@
Mitch shoulda known he was walkin into a buzzsaw...
what U think Scroggins is doin. He just committed to a school with 3 Good Qbs, one a true freshman who was just named the starter for the yr.

Just watch where Hurd ends up
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

what U think Scroggins is doin. He just committed to a school with 3 Good Qbs, one a true freshman who was just named the starter for the yr.

Just watch where Hurd ends up

And yeah, Scroggins is doin the same thing... He'll have somebody recruited over his head and he'll have to scratch and claw for the job...
all them USC back ups will get a legit shot to play in the league like a starter from another school....
Why would they make STA play this sorry **$ team?

Nd this is the second straight year STA is playin in Ohio, whats up with that?

Tressel tryna get first dibs on some of those players?
and speakin on QBs, Jessie Scroggins will be Mitch Mustain 2.0 if he stays committed to USC. *shrugs* good Luck ++@@@

if Barkely is legit he is gone by his JR year. that gives dude 2 years to start
Im anxious to see Byrnes go down to Florida to take on STA.

That'll be the measuring stick to how dominant STA is, because if Bynres isnt the best team in the nation, they're definitely the second best.
Originally Posted by GuttaGetsBusy

STA is too real....

Once again this shows that FLA > OHIO

and smart move by Tress and the Ohio State athl. dept to let the #1 HS team in the nation come to the 'Shoe and play .. Tress had that pipline in FLflowing nicely.
Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

Riggs tried to commit to Miami, Randy turned him down


And hell no this isn't one of the best teams in Ohio. A storied program though.
Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

Riggs tried to commit to Miami, Randy turned him down
If this is true, then Randy Shannon is s +%!$+%! idiot. Riggs is a Top-5 CB in the state.

Originally Posted by MBen32

And this is the second straight year STA is playin in Ohio, whats up with that?

Tressel tryna get first dibs on some of those players?
Unofficial visit for players they are going after on STA. i.e Lamarcus Joyner, Keion Payne (this year)

Oh, and guess who's their WR Coach? OSU alum, Chris Carter. Coincidence?

Originally Posted by DLo13

Debose got a torn hammy?
Just saw that on the ticker. UF fans?

@ what STA is doing.

That running back tandem
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

Cuz randy won't take a small corner no matter how good he is. He only goes after corners around 6'0".

wow. so he wouldnt take Lamarcus Joyner if LJ wanted to be a Cane?

thats ASININE.

Randys term will be over soon.

this game is %$@@@* Disgusting. please tell me this Ohio team isnt supposed to be one of the best in their state

I don't think anyone in the state of Ohio is as good as STA but there's a handful of teams that would make a game out of it. I really just don'tunderstand the Herbstreit Showdown people pairing these two teams up.
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