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Bantz Lord T Bantz Lord T



Home kit will be copped as soon as it drops
Now that it's settled in some, why the hell didn't inter ask for TA in the Lukaku deal? Regardless glad he landed here and they took Dzeko from us.
Read somewhere that Inter wanted cash only to help with the debt they face
Yeah that's probably it, but I wanna hope that Mou convinced him too lol. Although idk how their relationship was when he managed there.

Roma is looking decent.
I’m from Buenos Aires and I support San Lorenzo so I don’t have two clubs. But you are generally right, if you’re from a small town you typically have your local club and then you support one of the big 5: Boca, River, Racing, San Lorenzo, or Independiente. Of the big 5, Boca and River are far and away the most popular.

Well I guess I understand that. My grandpa’s favorite team is Porto and his local small team Chaves - but Chaves have always been in the lower divisions they never get promoted.

I thought he meant two teams in the same division who regularly play each other.
Well it’s easier when you have zero opposition and the whole league sells you the best players for cheap
It's like that for Madrid and Barcelona on a global scale though. Most players want to go there when they come knocking even though it might not be the right time for them in their career. Still aint stop Barca from skidding out.
Man if Arsenal also get Ramsdale(hope to god not), they would have spent over 120Ms this summer! no excuses left for Edu and Arteta. If Arsenal don't improve there are absolutely 0 excuses. Edu and Arteta gotta go. Can't even really blame the Kroenke's unless they keep both if Arsenal don't improve.
Man if Arsenal also get Ramsdale(hope to god not), they would have spent over 120Ms this summer! no excuses left for Edu and Arteta. If Arsenal don't improve there are absolutely 0 excuses. Edu and Arteta gotta go. Can't even really blame the Kroenke's unless they keep both if Arsenal don't improve.
Lol it's insane that Arsenal is spending more than 100Ms in a summer and only upgrading one position. Which doesnt need upgrading :lol: ******* frauds running this club.
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