Who Will Win Champions League?

  • Bayern Munich

  • Paris Saint-Germain

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It’s not complete banter or at least I’m not aiming for it to be in that Man City doesn’t have a huge history so that’s why you get statues of David Silva, complete training centre is named after Joe Hart who is still actively playing and what not.

Would be a great move for involved tbh

Definitely think he'd get more out of the talent they have at the next Euro's than Koeman.

Would just be surprising to see him coaching for them first before France or England :lol:

Philosophically/stylistically it'd be a perfect fit the oranje
It’s not complete banter or at least I’m not aiming for it to be in that Man City doesn’t have a huge history so that’s why you get statues of David Silva, complete training centre is named after Joe Hart who is still actively playing and what not.
I mean Silva has become our greatest player ever over Colin Bell the dude one of our stands is named after. Silva just Gave this club a decade of consistent great play in what’s become the clubs best period now of course he deserves a statue. And Joe Hart only has a training pitch named after him not a whole *** center :lol:

Would be a great move for involved tbh

Definitely think he'd get more out of the talent they have at the next Euro's than Koeman.

Would just be surprising to see him coaching for them first before France or England :lol:

Philosophically/stylistically it'd be a perfect fit the oranje

**** is diamonds right now.
Wenger as the new manager of the Netherlands would be pretty dope. Think he will find the international game more suited to him now especially after some time away from coaching.
Inter's into the final you'd think after that header from D'Ambrosio

Sevilla - Inter would be a great final
Yeah, she's cute and her personality fits well with the show. Also, like the fact that she doesn't pull a @ninjahood and denies that she's black despite being Latina.


:emoji_heart_eyes::emoji_heart_eyes:..I have a major crush on Ms. Nunes
Shahktar have really underwhelmed compared to some of their UCL games in the early 2010s. This is Inter’s cup to lose.
Shaktars manager has been lackadaisical. Has a number of subs available and only makes 1 when his team is down 3-0
Inter looking ruthless

Happy for the EPL vets on the squad

Lukaku deserves a chance with a respectable EPL club
Needs to improve his scoring record against said clubs in that case :lol:

The energy switch from most of you has been hilarious though

Haven't forgotten how he got slandered every game at United in here for his touch and finishing but everyone rates him now seemingly :lol:

I'm happy for him being in a good place at Inter under a coach who really likes him and in an exciting side but you guys aren't slick
Lukaku shouldn’t leave Inter. He can become a legend there. He’s found his niche, in a system that suits him and he’s performing; he’s done the EPL w/ multiple clubs already.


I questioned the move at the time only because it's Serie A but he's really taken well to the club and their fans seem to have embraced him wholeheartedly regardless of the racist BS from opposing fans during away matches so I think he'll be there for a while.

Conte had wanted him at Chelsea at one point so he's also got a coach who believes in him which is huge, long may he continue flourishing for the Nerazzurri :pimp:
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