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I really don’t understand why Mount & Chilwell have to isolate for interacting with Billy when they have tested negative.

Everyone on the pitch for England and Scotland interacted with Billy. His Scotland teammates & staff would have even had far more interaction with him.

Why isn’t everyone isolating?…
Doesn't covid have a for lack of better word lingering period before it actually shows up
From what I understand, that is true. Which is why I find it weird that they chose to isolate those two players just because they were seen chatting with him on the pitch after the match.

He was in close proximity to every single one of his teammates/staff and every England player that played in that match.

I guess I’m confused how they just chose Mount & Chilwell. What makes everyone else’s negative test different from theirs?

Seems like they want to make it look like they are being safe, but really aren’t.
From what I understand, that is true. Which is why I find it weird that they chose to isolate those two players just because they were seen chatting with him on the pitch after the match.

He was in close proximity to every single one of his teammates/staff and every England player that played in that match.

I guess I’m confused how they just chose Mount & Chilwell. What makes everyone else’s negative test different from theirs?

Seems like they want to make it look like they are being safe, but really aren’t.
i don't know the situation but you sound right.
there's certain criteria for being considered high risk vs low risk. everyone on england would be considered high risk for sure. they should all be isolated unless these 2 are the only ones unvaccinated or something like that.
Close proximity in this case means direct contact, they had a high 5 between those players. Just playing doesn't qualify because apparently players don't really touch each other while playing. Science.
yeah for our hospital we don't test till 5 days after an exposure to covid.
From my understanding of it... they need to take into account the incubation period... which can go from a few days to 14... or even more. So, for Mount and Chilwell, hypothetically speaking, let's say they did contract Covid from chatting with that SCO player for 20mins. Testing them right away will unlikely yield a positive result. It needs days to incubate. 10 days later (of iso), if they still test negative, then they could be in the clear. Again, this is my understanding of it from our head-epidemiologist. Anyone with some medical/scientific knowledge on this, please correct me if I'm wrong.

And I guess the close contact definition is tricky cuz each country seems to have a different definition of it. For us here, it's 15mins or above to be considered close contact. As they were apparently chatting for over 20mins, then I guess that would qualify as close contact.
Also, they bring up a good point. Most of the SCO team should be iso'd too, considering that they would have had even more close contact with that player. I'm surprised the SCO FA hasn't done more. I guess the protocols for each FA is different.
uefa is really showing their asses this summer
they need to clear out the board and get some new blood in.
It'd be the same ****. They work for the sponsors, some of which are big violators of human rights.

Yikes, didn't think the Dutch would have their chests out so early like this :lol:

I agree though about not believing in Spain this year, haven't shown much to think they'll beat the other top NT's

Guess all that garbage waistcoat said about 'inexperience' to justify not picking Sancho this week doesn't apply to Saka :lol: >D

Also still playing a 2 man holding mid pivot after qualifying already...

Lord Waistman doesn't deserve this squad man :smh:
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