╬:::OFFICIAL CLEVELAND CAVALIERS 2013 Season Thread::: ╬ Cavs Win 2013 #1 Draft Pick in Lottery!!!!


12 games left. We still have our back-back-back going on the 13,14,15 of April.

Another long year. Hopefully next years thread can last the whole year, and not die down smh.

12 games left. We still have our back-back-back going on the 13,14,15 of April.

Another long year. Hopefully next years thread can last the whole year, and not die down smh.
Who is this Lester guy???
Well things look up for us ik we started off solid and ended this season on a very rough note but i feel we are gonna challange for a playoff spot next year get a couple pieces with the younger guys being a year older with the experience
Well things look up for us ik we started off solid and ended this season on a very rough note but i feel we are gonna challange for a playoff spot next year get a couple pieces with the younger guys being a year older with the experience
updated the front page

tough seson but theres hope with new pieces and anderson hopefully returning for a healthy season next year. Hoping for a FA signing and some solid rookie pieces. With Luke Walton playing a better role off the bench and hopefully shipping Casspi out I have hope for Cleveland. Casspi sucks... sucks so bad... Harrangody... i mean come on...

playoffs next year if we can pull it together. Heres hoping for that #1 pick!!!! (fingers crossed)
updated the front page

tough seson but theres hope with new pieces and anderson hopefully returning for a healthy season next year. Hoping for a FA signing and some solid rookie pieces. With Luke Walton playing a better role off the bench and hopefully shipping Casspi out I have hope for Cleveland. Casspi sucks... sucks so bad... Harrangody... i mean come on...

playoffs next year if we can pull it together. Heres hoping for that #1 pick!!!! (fingers crossed)
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