☆☆ 2012 NBA Finals ☆☆ The King has been crowned; Heat win 2012 NBA Finals! Bron Finals MVP.

I think he ends up in Dallas as well. If they could get DWill as well then 
. They should get Nash and let him finish up his career there lol.
Anyway, Dallas has made all the right moves to set up that acquisition in the offseason..and with Cuban as your owner you know he won't fail in building a team.
Originally Posted by you go boy

Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Rip Hamilton is the missing piece to a Bull's championship?

I actually agree with that statement. He is a VERY GOOD piece to that team and only makes them better. And as much as i hate the bulls, I can see them beating the heat if they face each other. No one seems to realize that despite Wade being ghost, Lebron played some of the best basketball in his life in that series. Could have easily gone 7 without his "4th quarter heroics"
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

I am disappointed although not surprised at these sports analysts and writers. I know KD might be due but it just shows they're just ready to cram another story and lame theme for the MVP this year. It's like they pick a guy before games even start and say this is the guy we're going to push no matter what. It's a joke that ppl making predictions are not even mentioning Rose (even though I did not agree with him being MVP last  year).

Just for that alone I hope Russy ruins it for all of them. Seems like the NBA are Stern is pushing some small market team Cinderella story where they can beat MIA in the finals but I don't see it happening.
Originally Posted by gangsta207therevolution

Derrick has just got to be healthy.
I'm not convinced Bron can guard Derrick for 7 games. Do I think he can force Derrick into tough shots? Yea, but Bron isnt quick enough to guard him for 7 games. And lest we forget he killed Wade last year.

I want to see who gets hurt before I switch from the status quo.
Bulls have no chance if they dont get 50+ games of Boozer, and Noah together.
That was half the problem in the playoffs.

How is Chicago not better than the Thunder?
LeBron doesn't need to guard Rose for a full 48 for 7 games. How can you forget what happened a few months ago???!!!?? Did yall not watch the series and are just going off what you think will be the case? Plus it's not just Bron, the whole heat team defense made it difficult for Rose when it mattered. All he needs to do is lock him down in the 4th, specifically in crunch time. I'm sure one of the stat guys on here can you show the difference and how that played a huge part.

Boozer is a %%*!#+! lame. Neither he or Noah was able to contain Chris %%*!#+! Bosh. If I remember correctly he went off for 30+ 2 different times in that series.

I don't know if that Thunder question is directed to me because imo the Bulls are better. The Thunder are just favs to come out of the west. Defensively speaking the East is just better.
Your a lame... for misremembering the damn series.
Rose hurt his ankle in both series, hints all the jump shots he took. I'm saying an attacking Rose, no team can defend that for 48 minutes.

No team in the league is worried about Chris Bosh and his empty 30 points. They lost game 1 with his 30 and he got out played by Carlos in game 3..... When Carlos outplayed him in game 3 Rose was the person who didn't finish.
Overplayed the starters in game 4, and choked in game 5. But I think every one wanted that series over after game 4.
Series was a lot closer than you want to think.
Rose didn't shoot well the entire playoff's in the 4th. He struggled in all 3 series... But he didn't look like the same player. There were too many jumpers, and he was missing them in a fatigued manner.
Not gone favor them until I see how 50 + games of Boozer and Noah goes... They played something like 35 games together last year.
Derrick has to attack even more, but he has to have the legs, and the strength to finish too. At bare minimum Rip helps Rose keep both of those things for the regular season into the playoffs. Indiana wont be matched with Chicago again, and that's a tough match up for Chicago just cause of style.
Hopefully they get the Magic w/o Dwight, and Miami gets Dwight on the Nets......

The Lebron D Rose match up has never gone like that. As far as Bron being able to shut Rose down. Never. Bron always had problems with Rose's quickness, and that's why they tried Wade initially.
They are going to run more sets for other players this year, and they are going to score more based off cohesion this year. If healthy Chicago can keep 2 of the big 3 in check in most games..... Or at least keep Bosh down.
Originally Posted by gangsta207therevolution

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

I am disappointed although not surprised at these sports analysts and writers. I know KD might be due but it just shows they're just ready to cram another story and lame theme for the MVP this year. It's like they pick a guy before games even start and say this is the guy we're going to push no matter what. It's a joke that ppl making predictions are not even mentioning Rose (even though I did not agree with him being MVP last  year).

Just for that alone I hope Russy ruins it for all of them. Seems like the NBA are Stern is pushing some small market team Cinderella story where they can beat MIA in the finals but I don't see it happening.
Originally Posted by gangsta207therevolution

Derrick has just got to be healthy.
I'm not convinced Bron can guard Derrick for 7 games. Do I think he can force Derrick into tough shots? Yea, but Bron isnt quick enough to guard him for 7 games. And lest we forget he killed Wade last year.

I want to see who gets hurt before I switch from the status quo.
Bulls have no chance if they dont get 50+ games of Boozer, and Noah together.
That was half the problem in the playoffs.

How is Chicago not better than the Thunder?
LeBron doesn't need to guard Rose for a full 48 for 7 games. How can you forget what happened a few months ago???!!!?? Did yall not watch the series and are just going off what you think will be the case? Plus it's not just Bron, the whole heat team defense made it difficult for Rose when it mattered. All he needs to do is lock him down in the 4th, specifically in crunch time. I'm sure one of the stat guys on here can you show the difference and how that played a huge part.

Boozer is a %%*!#+! lame. Neither he or Noah was able to contain Chris %%*!#+! Bosh. If I remember correctly he went off for 30+ 2 different times in that series.

I don't know if that Thunder question is directed to me because imo the Bulls are better. The Thunder are just favs to come out of the west. Defensively speaking the East is just better.
Your a lame... for misremembering the damn series.
Rose hurt his ankle in both series, hints all the jump shots he took. I'm saying an attacking Rose, no team can defend that for 48 minutes.

No team in the league is worried about Chris Bosh and his empty 30 points. They lost game 1 with his 30 and he got out played by Carlos in game 3..... When Carlos outplayed him in game 3 Rose was the person who didn't finish.
Overplayed the starters in game 4, and choked in game 5. But I think every one wanted that series over after game 4.
Series was a lot closer than you want to think.
Not gone favor them until I see how 50 + games of Boozer and Noah goes... They played something like 35 games together last year.
Derrick has to attack even more, but he has to have the legs, and the strength to finish too. At bare minimum Rip helps Rose keep both of those things for the regular season into the playoffs. Indiana wont be matched with Chicago again, and that's a tough match up for Chicago just cause of style.
Hopefully they get the Magic w/o Dwight, and Miami gets Dwight on the Nets......

The Lebron D Rose match up has never gone like that. As far as Bron being able to shut Rose down. Never. Bron always had problems with Rose's quickness, and that's why they tried Wade initially.
They are going to run more sets for other players this year, and they are going to score more based off cohesion this year. If healthy Chicago can keep 2 of the big 3 in check in most games..... Or at least keep Bosh down.
I aint misremembering shh. You keep talking about a full 48 when each game down came down to the final minutes in the 4th. If you're even slightly suggesting the bulls are going to blow out the Heat you're a dumb *%%. You seem mad cuz Bosh is better than all the 4s Chi has. Son put it in work on them. and for everything you're sayig I'm not even gonna harp on Wade being Wade changes everything about a Bulls vs. Heat matchup in the playoffs. Save all that crying about if they're gonna face Indy or not or if rose ankle is sprained a bit. The fact that I am focusing on 4th quarter play should be clear enough that I am not implying that Heat are incredibly better. I did not at any point in any of my posts say the series was not close. I  have not even said Rip wouldn't help yall be a better team.

I just pointed out why the Bulls lost.

Boozer is a #@@$*+$ BUM. You can watch 182 games of him and when it comes to the important moments he'll still be a BUM. Yall need to upgrade @ the 4.

Like I said before Rose needs to be a better pg for the Bulls to beat MIA.

When it came down to it, Bron shut Rose down. Don't ignore what I said about the heat's team defense when it comes to Rose in the 4th either . Stop lying to yourself. At what point did he get the better of him in the 4th? Game 1?
Former Teammates, 2 Big Men Went Different Ways

When Tyson Chandler was a rookie in Chicago, tall and skinny and months out of high school, he and his aspiring front-line co-star, Eddy Curry, would be summoned to the office of Jerry Krause, the Bulls’ longtime general manager, for a twice-weekly chat.

In 2001, in the post-championship Bulls-to-bust years, Krause had staked the team’s future on the teenage big men. He shed his best player, forward Elton Brand, to match Curry, a low-post scorer, with Chandler, an athletic shot blocker. Krause envisioned resurrection by high rise.

“I’d bring them in together to talk about things, just to see how they were doing,â€
i dont know why the bulls get no love.

i want to face the knicks and heat in the playoffs
if the thunder have a comparable pg in westbrook and on top of that a superstar in durant how are they not seen as as better than the bulls w just rose and role players?
I feel the Bulls defense is that good that they're the better team in a 7 game series. It's not just Russ + KD vs. Rose. I am basing this off of last year's teams though. I don't know the impact Rip will have or a slimmed down Kendrick and more experienced Ilbaka along with other role players on both teams improving.

Don't just focus on the pros of the star players involved cuz they and their teams have cons that have led to them losing.
Originally Posted by Knock0ut King

if the thunder have a comparable pg in westbrook and on top of that a superstar in durant how are they not seen as as better than the bulls w just rose and role players?
I wouldn't call Deng, Noah, and Boozer role players. Guys like Ronnie Brewer and Taj Gibson are role players.
Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

i dont know why the bulls get no love.

i want to face the knicks and heat in the playoffs

No you don't.

yea, i do....knicks don't scare anyone........especially with this new "commitment to defense" talk
Originally Posted by JumpmanFromDaBay

1 defensive player isn't gonna make up for the rest of the !#@$!# defenders they have
from a warriors fan though, really? tell your "coach" to go guarantee something else stupid
Originally Posted by gangsta207therevolution

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

I am disappointed although not surprised at these sports analysts and writers. I know KD might be due but it just shows they're just ready to cram another story and lame theme for the MVP this year. It's like they pick a guy before games even start and say this is the guy we're going to push no matter what. It's a joke that ppl making predictions are not even mentioning Rose (even though I did not agree with him being MVP last  year).

Just for that alone I hope Russy ruins it for all of them. Seems like the NBA are Stern is pushing some small market team Cinderella story where they can beat MIA in the finals but I don't see it happening.
Originally Posted by gangsta207therevolution

Derrick has just got to be healthy.
I'm not convinced Bron can guard Derrick for 7 games. Do I think he can force Derrick into tough shots? Yea, but Bron isnt quick enough to guard him for 7 games. And lest we forget he killed Wade last year.

I want to see who gets hurt before I switch from the status quo.
Bulls have no chance if they dont get 50+ games of Boozer, and Noah together.
That was half the problem in the playoffs.

How is Chicago not better than the Thunder?
LeBron doesn't need to guard Rose for a full 48 for 7 games. How can you forget what happened a few months ago???!!!?? Did yall not watch the series and are just going off what you think will be the case? Plus it's not just Bron, the whole heat team defense made it difficult for Rose when it mattered. All he needs to do is lock him down in the 4th, specifically in crunch time. I'm sure one of the stat guys on here can you show the difference and how that played a huge part.

Boozer is a %%*!#+! lame. Neither he or Noah was able to contain Chris %%*!#+! Bosh. If I remember correctly he went off for 30+ 2 different times in that series.

I don't know if that Thunder question is directed to me because imo the Bulls are better. The Thunder are just favs to come out of the west. Defensively speaking the East is just better.
Your a lame... for misremembering the damn series.
Rose hurt his ankle in both series, hints all the jump shots he took. I'm saying an attacking Rose, no team can defend that for 48 minutes.

No team in the league is worried about Chris Bosh and his empty 30 points. They lost game 1 with his 30 and he got out played by Carlos in game 3..... When Carlos outplayed him in game 3 Rose was the person who didn't finish.
Overplayed the starters in game 4, and choked in game 5. But I think every one wanted that series over after game 4.
Series was a lot closer than you want to think.
Rose didn't shoot well the entire playoff's in the 4th. He struggled in all 3 series... But he didn't look like the same player. There were too many jumpers, and he was missing them in a fatigued manner.
Not gone favor them until I see how 50 + games of Boozer and Noah goes... They played something like 35 games together last year.
Derrick has to attack even more, but he has to have the legs, and the strength to finish too. At bare minimum Rip helps Rose keep both of those things for the regular season into the playoffs. Indiana wont be matched with Chicago again, and that's a tough match up for Chicago just cause of style.
Hopefully they get the Magic w/o Dwight, and Miami gets Dwight on the Nets......

The Lebron D Rose match up has never gone like that. As far as Bron being able to shut Rose down. Never. Bron always had problems with Rose's quickness, and that's why they tried Wade initially.
They are going to run more sets for other players this year, and they are going to score more based off cohesion this year. If healthy Chicago can keep 2 of the big 3 in check in most games..... Or at least keep Bosh down.


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[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"After going 0-for-5 from the floor with a turnover when guarded by LeBron James in Game 4, Derrick Rose struggled against him once again Thursday, going 1-for-10 with two turnovers in Game 5. Rose shot 6.3 percent from the floor in the series when defended by James, lowest among any player that defended him on five or more plays." - [/font] Link

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Take off your DRose jersey and accept reality. DRose = human, LeBron = 
. You think Rip Hamilton is doing anything against the Heat? LeBron single handedly ended the Pistons dynasty and that was years ago 
. Let's be real. The Big 3 are the Big 3 for a reason; IF they play to their potential and Battier/Cole/Haslem/etc don't mess things up, they will be heavily favored to win it all. 

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Check the Vegas sportsbooks, check last year's box scores, call in the HankMoody guy to get some advanced statistics in this B....The Bulls have no answer for the Heat.[/font]

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[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
Why are people discounting the possibility of the Knicks starting to play defense? Ray Allen and Paul Pierce were below average defenders before Doc Rivers made a promise to make that team a defensive force..Why can't the Knicks do the same? What about the Mavericks? They weren't much of a defensive team before the past 2 seasons..They weren't terrible but they were pretty much average/mediocre defensively. When the Knicks don't play defense during the season, then I'll be cool with the "Knicks play no defense" talk. But when the entire team has come out n said they will play defense, and the team hired a defensive coach that was once the head coach of one of the best defensive teams in the league, I give them the benefit of a doubt.
D-rose got locked up by Lebron in the playoffs, but Lebron couldn't make more than one basket in the fourth quarter of the finals. So they're both humans apparently.

Bron choked more than D-Rose did.
Lebron is supposed to be able to lock up D-Rose though right? I dont understand why this is so surprising. Hes taller, longer, can jump higher. Seems like simple math.
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