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  1. jiggaman375

    Recommend me some TV Series Box Sets

  2. jiggaman375

    My life sucks right about now. All i can do is laugh to stop crying.

    You gotta put things in perspective man, some of us have it A LOT worse, me included.
  3. jiggaman375

    People who have to be constantly doing something UNAPPRECIATION!!

    Agreed, but I'd rather be the person constantly doing something then a person constantly doing nothing.
  4. jiggaman375

    Computer P.S.A. (helpful programs, apps, and tips)

    Thanks Nickthestick91. Anyone know how I can delete some of the programs on my computer? I have tried getting rid of Windows Defender using Add/Remove Programs and I keep saying the network resource is unvailable and I can't unistall it.
  5. jiggaman375

    Computer P.S.A. (helpful programs, apps, and tips)

    Can anyone reccomend me a free anti-spyware program? Thanks
  6. jiggaman375

    Computer P.S.A. (helpful programs, apps, and tips)

    Thanks rumblepak1 again. You help is appreciated.
  7. jiggaman375

    Computer P.S.A. (helpful programs, apps, and tips)

    Another question. I'm intersted in getting my first Mac to do my design work on. It will be used for internet browsing and Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. I was looking on ebay and saw quite a few G4s and really low prices, like this on: Does anyone...
  8. jiggaman375

    Computer P.S.A. (helpful programs, apps, and tips)

    rumblepak1 thanks for the reply. I did what you said and it came up with this:
  9. jiggaman375

    Computer P.S.A. (helpful programs, apps, and tips)

    Can anyone help me out? My iTunes isn't working for some strange reason. I've tried reinstalling but I still get the same problem. Whenever I click to open iTunes it comes up with the "iTunes has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." message. Anyone...
  10. jiggaman375

    Why are there ads on NikeTalk? The answer is inside.

    I was seeing the ads but now I only see a blank space where the ads used to be. Have they been removed or is it just me? [/b]artist | day to day
  11. jiggaman375

    Computer P.S.A. (helpful programs, apps, and tips)

    Thanks for the advice rumblepak1. [/b]artist | day to day
  12. jiggaman375

    Computer P.S.A. (helpful programs, apps, and tips)

    Sup NT. Can someone reccomend me a decent external hard drive? Something that can I can store music on and play it on my laptop so it needs to be able to transfer data quickly. I am gonna need something bigger then 100GB that won't break the bank. Many thanks NT. [/b]artist | day to day...
  13. jiggaman375

    Please welcome our new moderator: Cameron Nelson.

    Congrats and also thanks for trying to improve the Jordan Brand forum. It's appreciated. [/b]artist | day to day
  14. jiggaman375

    Why are there ads on NikeTalk? The answer is inside.

    I sent an email to method man but for some reason it didn't work. Tryed again to [email protected], hopefully that worked. [/b]artist | day to day
  15. jiggaman375

    Why are there ads on NikeTalk? The answer is inside.

    Maybe NikeTalk could try the ads that offers? How it works is a NT admin chooses the products that they advertise on NT, and they get paid buy the number of people who click and buy that product. How it works for NT is that members can request to have a product that they are going to...
  16. jiggaman375

    Computer P.S.A. (helpful programs, apps, and tips)

    Kicks R Me go to control panel, system, hardware then device manager (I think that is right). Check what it says next to your DVD drive and check the properties of it. If it is the same problem I had (code 41) then just google it and you should be able to fix it easily. [/b]artist | day to day...
  17. jiggaman375

    Computer P.S.A. (helpful programs, apps, and tips)

    I might have an opportunity to get a brand new Mac G4 for a very very cheap price. How good is it performance wise? What are peoples experiences with it? Any problems? I will probably only use for some internet surfing and Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver and some other similar...
  18. jiggaman375

    Why are there ads on NikeTalk? The answer is inside.

    Can't log in at Yuku for some reason. It says the email address is not registered. I'm definately that same email as the one in my NT profile. [/b]artist | day to day
  19. jiggaman375

    Why are there ads on NikeTalk? The answer is inside.

    Is it possible to make it so whenever someone clicks on an ad, it opens in a new window? I'm all for the changes btw. [/b]artist | day to day
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