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  1. Methodical Management

    Washington Wizards Season Thread - Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here

    I’m surprised Ted Leonsis didn’t have them take a BoltBus. He must’ve gotten his hands on one of Kenny Smith’s charter jet rental coupons.
  2. Methodical Management

    Anyone ever get their NikeTalk account taken over?

    We strongly recommend that all members enable two factor authentication for their accounts: Passkey support should also arrive later this year to allow for more secure passwordless logins.
  3. Methodical Management

    BRIGHT WHITE notifications

    Thanks to your help, our developer was able to replicate this issue and we may have identified the cause. Let me know if you’re still encountering it.
  4. Methodical Management

    the thread about nothing...

    I had to ask, considering you’ve decided to use this thread to share Twitter content like this apropos of nothing, without commentary: Know your personnel.
  5. Methodical Management

    the thread about nothing...

    I’m sure you get this question all the time, but: you do know that isn’t real, right?
  6. Methodical Management

    BRIGHT WHITE notifications

    It’s not a new add on. We do have an add on to improve alert behavior - because for some incomprehensible reason the default software behavior was to immediately clear ALL notifications once viewed, regardless of read status - but that’s been in place for years. To keep the community safe...
  7. Methodical Management

    BRIGHT WHITE notifications

    Device/browser information is helpful. I’ve not encountered this on any of my devices. It might also be useful to know your alert preferences:
  8. Methodical Management

    The Official NBA Season Thread: Free Agency Day

    Yeah, that’s clearly a glitch of some sort. It’s definitely not affecting everyone. I’m happy to troubleshoot, but I’m not doing tech support in the middle of the NBA thread. If anyone encountering this glitch wants help, please start a thread in the bug reports forum and include...
  9. Methodical Management

    The Official NBA Season Thread: Free Agency Day

    I’m not sure what you’re talking about. The only code change this week was a security update. If you take a screen shot and post it here, I’d be glad to take a look:
  10. Methodical Management

    New posts alerts disappear

    If you go to “preferences” in the settings menu, you’ll find alert preferences. Make sure “never mark alerts read” is checked.
  11. Methodical Management

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Much has been said about how algorithmic social media has contributed to divisiveness - but not enough attention has been paid to the ways in which it's generating a convergence towards nihilism. In previous cycles, I've written at great length about my frustrations with non-intersectional...
  12. Methodical Management

    The Official NBA Season Thread: Free Agency Day

    Nah. Sitting through another day of Gobert +/- discourse is misery enough. He’ll be back tomorrow, unless he feels like pouting some more. A feud is mutual. He’s bravely tried to take petty swipes at me without an @ mention on a regular basis ever since his 5G conspiracy thread was locked...
  13. Methodical Management

    The Official NBA Season Thread: Free Agency Day

    Carlisle pulled the plug.
  14. Methodical Management

    the thread about nothing...

    The outage lasted roughly two and a half hours. I appreciate everyone’s patience.
  15. Methodical Management

    The Official NBA Season Thread: Free Agency Day

    We go one day without a game and people are in here posting incel memes. It’s gonna be a long offseason.
  16. Methodical Management

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    This is probably not how neo-Confederates envisioned the second Civil War going. It's like an early 00's Xzibit meme. Over the years, quite a few users have lobbied for us to treat accusations of racism as a personal attack/insult. We've opted not to, and a really good example of why may be...
  17. Methodical Management

    Whole site is super slow?

    There are many different reasons that pages can perform slowly, but one that neither we nor users have much control over is the performance of third-party content. If there are a lot of embedded social media posts on a page, performance can be impacted by the time required to fetch that content...
  18. Methodical Management

    Whole site is super slow?

    What device are you using to visit the site when it's "freezing up" and how many other tabs/apps do you have open? Does the site perform better in a thread like this, with no posts containing third-party embedded content?
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