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  1. slingithajime

    NT: How many of you all are not really into shoes anymore?

    Weak products (Fusions, retros, etc) + Awful Economy = Lack of interest from core sneaker consumer That's not to say our fascination with sneakers is gone forever. . . . It's more so a maturing of our tastes. As many have already posted, our dollarshave to be stretched further than ever before...
  2. slingithajime

    Ever had Steel Reserve? vol. 8.1%

    Peep the Avy. Halloween 2008
  3. slingithajime

    Awkward Moments....what stories yall got?

    A homeless man asked me for change once. I told him I didnt have any money. He reached into his pocket and tosses me a quarter and tells me, "Here, you're broke".
  4. slingithajime


    Did you pick that up from Would you recommend? Looking to retire my old Peugeot but not looking to drop too much on a new fixed gear. Also can you easily remove the decals or are they under a clearcoat? Might have to sand and rattle can since I want a clean white finish.
  5. slingithajime

    What are you guys gonna be for Halloween?

    I was Steel Reserve last year. This year Im making a broccoli costume.
  6. slingithajime

    What are your favorite Mexican restaurants? vol. cut me slack, I'm on the East Coast!

    South San Diego has the BEST Mexican ADALBERTOS 25th and Market San Diego Word to Carne Asada Fries
  7. slingithajime


    Cris77stan or Ferrari. . . Whats the size run. Did you go a step up. . . down. . . true to size??? Debating just buying them on
  8. slingithajime

    open sketch thread

    Toke. . . when you did that quick sketch, was that on sketchbook or was it pen and paper? If pen do you just go over your lines to make them darker or is it a different thickness in pen?
  9. slingithajime

    open sketch thread

    Toke. . . the more I see your shoe the more I like it. Another quick Q. You see how on your toe box how theres that patch where its a lighter shade of black. Is that what you mean by highlighting??? It really gives the shoe depth and I wanna learn how to do that.
  10. slingithajime

    open sketch thread

    Thanks Toke. That Lebron looks dope by the way. Ill be sure to see how it does on KG.
  11. slingithajime

    open sketch thread

    Toke, sorry for the newb Q but how do you color your sketches? Are those just straight markers or is it illustrator or some program? How do you get that metalic look or the lighting effect off of reflective material? Thanks for the help.
  12. slingithajime

    open sketch thread" border="0" alt="Image Hosting by">[/img]
  13. slingithajime

    Jordan Brand x Fakes/Variants: At it again **pics**

    Yo this is like when the Fonz jumps the shark. I dont know how JB plans to bounce back after doing this to hardcore collector. I honestly don't think that this shirt was a mistake or a slip up. Any body who has ever been on ebay knows that that picture is the classic fake pic. I would...
  14. slingithajime

    Jordan Brand x Fakes/Variants: At it again **pics**

    Damn man this @#%$ is shameless
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