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  1. djkona

    Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

    My boys and I also have that MF and it's a beast! I highly recommend this display stand. Display Stand
  2. djkona

    Happy 23rd Bday NikeTalk!

    Thanks again for creating this site for us when NikePark was becoming infested with spam and porn posts.
  3. djkona

    Live-Action Star Wars on Disney+ | The Acolyte | New episodes Tuesdays | R.I.P. Carl Weathers

    I was 8 years old when ROTJ came out. Luke in all black with the green lightsaber was everything to me as a kid. He was my superman, my hero. When TLJ came out I was so heartbroken with what they did to Luke. But after seeing this I feel a lot better.
  4. djkona

    Anybody here name their kids after an athlete, actor or musician??????

    My first son’s middle name is Jordan. My second son’s middle name is Michael. My daughter’s first and middle names are Makena Jane (MJ).
  5. djkona

    Official Xbox Thread - Black Ops 6 Day 1 on Gamepass

    Phew! Scored a series X bundle on Sam's!!!
  6. djkona

    Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

    Holy crap it's Mon Cala!!!
  7. djkona

    Older Niker Talkers 30+

    I’m 46 now. Please tell me there is someone older than me here still lol.
  8. djkona

    Ben Shapiro tha P God.

    This been going on.
  9. djkona

    Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

    That one half hour episode was better than the entire sequel trilogy for me.
  10. djkona

    Live-Action Star Wars on Disney+ | The Acolyte | New episodes Tuesdays | R.I.P. Carl Weathers

    LOL @ Mando still leaving his helmet on.
  11. djkona

    Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

    The Leaks....It's true. All of it.
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