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  1. idealapotheosis

    is there a better lookin bottle of liquor than .......

    Aesthetically speaking I think the AK47 bottle is a piece of art. Been trying to buy an empty bottle for a while but every time they come up on ebay I always either forget to bid or get outbid and lose it.
  2. idealapotheosis

    Student Loan Hell.

    I want to say 170K+? It costs a lot to go through Pharmacy school in CA.
  3. idealapotheosis

    Student Loan Hell.

    I'm paying 1900 a month so consider yourselves all lucky.
  4. idealapotheosis

    Help Setting up 401k

    Who's your 401k vendor?Vanguard? Fidelity? Do they offer you only specific funds (A lot of smaller investors only offer you crappy funds to select from)? I'm lucky and have an employer that offers good vendors. I use Vanguard because of their low cost funds. Watch the expense ratios as they will...
  5. idealapotheosis

    Finally a licensed pharmacist!

    I hate to be Debbie Downer but take a look at this article: Sad truth is that with a ton of new schools coming up, centralized pharmacy around the corner (Wags is currently testing it somewhere down south, so I can see it being implemented in...
  6. idealapotheosis

    Finally a licensed pharmacist!

    I hate to be Debbie Downer but take a look at this article: Sad truth is that with a ton of new schools coming up, centralized pharmacy around the corner (Wags is currently testing it somewhere down south, so I can see it being implemented in...
  7. idealapotheosis

    Financial Advising: Student Loans - vol. This cant be life

    How much have you got and at what rate? I took out around 170k, pay about 2k a month (I'm actually pay more because I'm funneling almost all of my spare cash into getting rid of them), and have around 140k left to go. My advice: Live like you're still in college for a year or two, move home if...
  8. idealapotheosis

    Financial Advising: Student Loans - vol. This cant be life

    How much have you got and at what rate? I took out around 170k, pay about 2k a month (I'm actually pay more because I'm funneling almost all of my spare cash into getting rid of them), and have around 140k left to go. My advice: Live like you're still in college for a year or two, move home if...
  9. idealapotheosis

    Child Support FTL

    Only on NT will there ever be such an idiotic thread debating whether to pay child support or buy luxury shoes (and yes these fall under luxury i.e. it's not a need). Please for the love of God go get a vasectomy now. On a positive note they offer free vasectomy's as I'm sure you can't afford...
  10. idealapotheosis

    Child Support FTL

    Only on NT will there ever be such an idiotic thread debating whether to pay child support or buy luxury shoes (and yes these fall under luxury i.e. it's not a need). Please for the love of God go get a vasectomy now. On a positive note they offer free vasectomy's as I'm sure you can't afford...
  11. idealapotheosis

    so you find one million dollars in a duffle bag. what do you do. let the imagination begin.

    Pay off my student loans, pay off my parents mortgage, and then eat a double double.
  12. idealapotheosis

    All My Car Heads Enter Vol. Turbo & Dual Exhaust

    It's actually beneficial performance wise to run a true dual exhaust on a V engine design. Two exhaust manifolds each getting their own exhaust path. Most car manufacturers who merge them into a single exhaust do it to cut costs, reduce noise, and possibly improve emissions. If you want a true...
  13. idealapotheosis

    All My Car Heads Enter Vol. Turbo & Dual Exhaust

    It's actually beneficial performance wise to run a true dual exhaust on a V engine design. Two exhaust manifolds each getting their own exhaust path. Most car manufacturers who merge them into a single exhaust do it to cut costs, reduce noise, and possibly improve emissions. If you want a true...
  14. idealapotheosis

    Whats the Best condoms to use?

    Some A+ quality advice in here. You should prolly just go raw. It feels better and it's not like anything bad could happen right? The pullout method is 100% accurate, right guys? RIGHT?
  15. idealapotheosis

    Whats the Best condoms to use?

    Some A+ quality advice in here. You should prolly just go raw. It feels better and it's not like anything bad could happen right? The pullout method is 100% accurate, right guys? RIGHT?
  16. idealapotheosis

    Good thing the United States has such good moral values, we should just spread it over the world.

    +1 I'm sure Spain has had a murder in the past year. Shame on the Spanish people, they have no values and are murderers... I'm sure Brazil has had a kidnapping in the past year. Shame on the Brazilian people, they have no values and are kidnappers... I'm sure Japan has had a child molestation...
  17. idealapotheosis

    Good thing the United States has such good moral values, we should just spread it over the world.

    +1 I'm sure Spain has had a murder in the past year. Shame on the Spanish people, they have no values and are murderers... I'm sure Brazil has had a kidnapping in the past year. Shame on the Brazilian people, they have no values and are kidnappers... I'm sure Japan has had a child molestation...
  18. idealapotheosis


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