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  1. osh kosh bosh

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    for some reason you are completely allergic to providing evidence for your claims. if you think im wrong say why, but instead you wanna rely on weird vibes arguments about past things i've allegedly said that you have no evidence of it's not convincing.
  2. osh kosh bosh

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    it only backfires if Joe Biden can prove that he's competent. he had a massive opportunity to do that and he failed, and basically poured gasoline on the "too old" narrative.,
  3. osh kosh bosh

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    winning the presidency?
  4. osh kosh bosh

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    yah all Biden has to do is....reverse age related cognitive decline. and boom problem solved!
  5. osh kosh bosh

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    I find it extremely annoying to be on the same side as leftist grifters who I hate. I've been saying for months now they want Joe Biden to lose, and many of them can barely contain their glee as they work to push Biden overboard. but I can't ignore the obvious reality of the situation.
  6. osh kosh bosh

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    "ageism" ?? cmon what are we doing here guys
  7. osh kosh bosh

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    If you think Joe Biden should stay in the race. fine, it's a tough call. but you should make the case, how is he going to comeback and win? He is losing, how does he stage a comeback when he can't do a normal campaign?
  8. osh kosh bosh

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    The pro Joe Biden arguments are so bad, the supporters of this idea almost never make an affirmative case for how a Joe Biden is going to make a comeback. they either piss down their legs at the thought of making a difficult decision. or they resort to whataboutism, or amatuer media...
  9. osh kosh bosh

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    .....uh, do you know what an analogy is?
  10. osh kosh bosh

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    easy, humans are fallible creatures who suffer from motivated reasoning, bias ect im not saying she's a moustache twirling villain, im saying like ALL humans, she has a set of bias a personal commitments that could be leading her towards irrational actions. because when you poll likely voters...
  11. osh kosh bosh

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    nah it doesn't assume that. When you pull the goalie you know the chances of the other team scoring a goal and effectively ending the game increases. but the chance of you scoring a goal and tying the game also increases. there is a chance Kamala falls flat on her face and does worse than...
  12. osh kosh bosh

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    im worried he's not in a state to do that. and he's being pushed by his wife, son and self interested advisors to press on.
  13. osh kosh bosh

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

  14. osh kosh bosh

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    There are facts that your logic misses tho. Biden didn't win 2020 by that much. He won by essentially 44k votes accros in the states that mattered. Trumps coalition is more electorally efficient, all it takes a small erosion in Biden's support for Trump to win. 1. The polls. when swing...
  15. osh kosh bosh

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

  16. osh kosh bosh

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    she's high on the list of "people you shouldn't listen to"
  17. osh kosh bosh

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    I'm not conceding anything. You are smuggling your own opinion and using identity as cover for your lack of actual evidence. And you are being intentionally obtuse about Kamala's history in the 2020 primary. Because you have no evidence and no argument. It doesn't work on the sneaker forum...
  18. osh kosh bosh

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    "hunter got a weird case why is he around?" (i stole this joke)
  19. osh kosh bosh

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    lol okay bud you got it
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