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  1. fittednoob

    i just bought a bicycyle

    dis and dat
  2. fittednoob

    Xbox 720 Specs Leaked.... vol. or have they...

    but gerfy i lerv you
  3. fittednoob

    wisdom you have picked up over the years

    I came in here actually thinking I would get some wisdom, but started reading quotes after quotes after quotes.  Come on  Solo Cups: Knowledge It turns out that the lines of the solo cup allows you to measure out a shot, a glass of wine, and a beer.
  4. fittednoob

    Please Lock

    OP you a straight up D-Bag
  5. fittednoob


    Please and thx!
  6. fittednoob

    \\ Post Your Car vol. Been a minute //

    ^ wow, I am jellz
  7. fittednoob

    \\ Post Your Car vol. Been a minute //

    ^ wow, I am jellz
  8. fittednoob

    New RELEASE: Sunglasses hand-made from Bamboo.

    Is this coupon code not active yet?  I tried entering it (copy and pasted it) but it doesn't change the price.  It stays at 85 EDIT: nvm, got it
  9. fittednoob

    New RELEASE: Sunglasses hand-made from Bamboo.

    Thx, will be pulling the trigger on the crowns now.  I feel a bit more better about this purchase knowing you guys allow an exchange/refund if need be, thx for the good look 
  10. fittednoob

    New RELEASE: Sunglasses hand-made from Bamboo.

    I have a question about the nose/bridge of the glasses.  Do they have the lil support things or whatever to fit the nose?  I have a small nose and some sunglasses always seem to fall down on my face.  I just wanna make sure they will stay on my face w/o falling down too much.  Btw, looking at...
  11. fittednoob

    Ban/Suspend the INB4 Megatron people.

    Glad i got to post in the first page, great lulz  EDIT: nvm 
  12. fittednoob

    LEGIT CHECK white cement IV

    Sadly the only picture available to me.  Not sure if real or fake?  
  13. fittednoob

    Temple Run..

    Maybe you're just a noob.  Got this score a few days ago.  Took this picture to show my friend who had 9.5 million.  Got 12 million something today.  I have all objectives unlocked so all my coins go towards wings and the beginning boosts 
  14. fittednoob

    Nike Supporters

    Check and mate 
  15. fittednoob

    \\ Post Your Car vol. Been a minute //

    Bone stock but I still love it
  16. fittednoob

    \\ Post Your Car vol. Been a minute //

    Bone stock but I still love it
  17. fittednoob

    Some clues that you laid the pipe down right!

    When she keeps looking at her watch 
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