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  1. rexanglorum

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    I think that whatever the Democrats do should be guided by polling and focus groups, and not by what DC pundits and the chronically online have to say. If you base your political ideology and principles on polling and focus groups, shame on you. but if we're just narrowly talking about winning...
  2. rexanglorum

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    She's dumb. Not dumb in the sense of "I disagree with here ideologically so she must be dumb," but more of the genuinely dull, intellectually uncurious, and lacking in any imagination. Her entire political project is that New York City Commercial Real estate must never take a loss and congested...
  3. rexanglorum

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    If Biden was doing this, Yeah, he should drop out. But he’s just slow with highly short term recall. A big share of swing voters are 65-85 white home owners who have trouble with short term memory. When normal people start paying attention in September and October. Trump’s weaknesses will...
  4. rexanglorum

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Dems tend to message in three ways: 1.) the GOP would be worse 2.) we look out for the vulnerable (at least relative to the GOP) 3.) voting for us is therefore the right thing to do morally. All of that is technically true. BUT they need a fourth thing. They need emphasize how much more...
  5. rexanglorum

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Although English's current status as the global lingua franca obviously has its roots in colonialism and white supremacy, it is becoming a tool and a weapon for marginalized groups. It allows indigenous peoples, racialized peoples, workers, queer people, dissenters, radical intellectuals the...
  6. rexanglorum

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    If I were Biden, I'd try to make life hell for SCOTUS. Do the most outrageous stuff and force SCOTUS to cut their vacation short OR give people a taste of life with a constrained SCOTUS, every summer, and make SCOTUS into a very real and tangible and felt political operator who is on the...
  7. rexanglorum

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    @mplsdunk Neo mullets and nicotine, an unstoppable combination.
  8. rexanglorum

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    This is not a rhetorical question. Has there been an election that was swayed towards the GOP by high income people NOT voting? I get it, if you're on our beautiful, cobalt blue left coast and/or you're on twitter, it can feel like there's lots of leftists who are ruthlessly and cruelly...
  9. rexanglorum

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    I agree with Will here. In fact, I agree with him on everything. I was in a low income neighborhood and every was driving a Rolls-Royce. (last part satire, first part not) Oof, I'd get a contact high just from watching it. And at my age, I can't handle that many stimulants. It's like an...
  10. rexanglorum

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    His best bet is being the main character in an anti woke web cartoon. Guaranteed his best friend will be Black, for sure.
  11. rexanglorum

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    My take on Pete running is that his orientation would not be a very big deal. 1.) If you're anti gay in 2024, you're an evangelical and you're not voting for a Democrat in any case. 2.) This is just me being an amateur sociologist and a chronically online one, but it seems like younger voters...
  12. rexanglorum

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    I never knew he was so online. Nice.
  13. rexanglorum

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Seriously though, sometimes, you face head winds, sometimes you gotta tack onto them aggressively. Biden should more or less say that, sure, he he’s not great at fast talking and making witty off the cuff remarks but he’s anchored to reality and Trump is the opposite.
  14. rexanglorum

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Li Li List Jack, when I went into Shelbyville, which was uh it was called Morgansville at the time... but but uh, anyway, I had an onion on my belt, and that's what really matters.
  15. rexanglorum

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    regulations, regulations, so many regulations, sleepy Joe regulates more than Nate Dogg. All he does is regulate.
  16. rexanglorum

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    I'd pick him over Newsom ---- If I were Biden I'd be like "fentanyl is ***. When I was vice president, me and Barack had legit 30 mg roxys on the street for less than $1 per mg"
  17. rexanglorum

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Sorry boys, no one will ever out do Andrew Johnson.
  18. rexanglorum

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Me right now, "he averaged 4.8 points for a not great college team, he's nowhere near NBA ready" Me, a week from now, after Charlie kirk calls him an "affirmative action pick," "Lots of star players were picked in the second round, Jokic, Rodman, Van Exel, Ginobili etc. The kid's gonna be a star"!
  19. rexanglorum

    ***Official Political Discussion Thread***

    Alright, since we all turned this off, let me just say... My gut reaction is that the Lakers doing a nepo pick for Bronny James is stupid. However, by the end of next week, after the worst people in the world all happen to say the same thing, I will be negative polarized into believing that...
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