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  1. clone

    Official Super Bowl XLVI Thread: New England Patriots vs New York Giants (Rematch) Feb 5th

    Isn't that what the Ravens did, but the D was clutch and the Pats won. Without Brady being on top of his game.
  2. clone

    Guy randomly moves to NYC from Canada with no plan and hes blogging it Vol How to Make it In America

    It would be a good blog if he used somewhat decent grammar and posted pics, and didn't sound like a douche.
  3. clone

    Thinkin about getting a dog. Any suggestions?

    for the bond, the friendship, the feeling you get when you come home and see them
  4. clone

    Thinkin about getting a dog. Any suggestions?

    for the bond, the friendship, the feeling you get when you come home and see them
  5. clone

    Are U too cool for an umbrella?

    what the hell? 
  6. clone

    Post your favorite youtube video.

    Dude just stopped giving a damn after the third one 
  7. clone

    *'11-'12 LAKERS Thread; 41-25* 1st Rd: DEN (go to 1st Rd. Thread)

    I can rest assure you guys wont get number 17 with Murphy. Dudes too slow, you guys need speed in your front court. 
  8. clone

    NDAA Set To Become Law: vol. RIP Freedom Of Speech

    You guys are seriously griping about an act that only effects if you are planning to a terrorist plot? Seriously, were all going to forget about this in a week.  SOPA is what we should be mad about.
  9. clone

    *'11-'12 LAKERS Thread; 41-25* 1st Rd: DEN (go to 1st Rd. Thread)

    CP3 is an upgrade and he gives us a much better chance to land Dwight next summer when we'll only have have Pierce signed
  10. clone

    *'11-'12 LAKERS Thread; 41-25* 1st Rd: DEN (go to 1st Rd. Thread)

    Lulz at Stern for finally growing some balls   Maybe Celtics get Paul  probably too much to ask for 
  11. clone

    Couple badly injured after bodybuilder attack....No Words

    Why the hell would you confront a naked 300 lb body builder who is obviously not going to react calmly? 
  12. clone

    China invades america. Vol. If

    You need to watch the video....
  13. clone

    man sues couple, AFTER HE KIDNAPPED THEM!!

    "The Rowleys said Dimmick entered their home at about 9:30 a.m. that day and confronted them at knifepoint. A neighbor told The Topeka Capital-Journal in September 2009 that the couple gained his trust by eating Cheetos and drinking Dr Pepper with him while watching the movie “Patch Adams.
  14. clone

    ~~ American Hostage in pakistan held by Al Qaeda - Demanding no air strikes & All Guantanamo allies

    Lol at the demands. But hoping this guy is freed Al Qaeda filled with a bunch of punks 
  15. clone

    Report: Chris Paul Requests Trade To New York Knicks

    Oh? They were trades, they didn't really all call each other up and try to play together, nice try though  But back to the topic, I don't know how that trade would work out. NYK doesn't have much to offer and unless they get a new coach who emphasizes Defense, they wont make it out of the east. 
  16. clone

    Shh getting serious.. Iranian diplomats have 48 hours to leave UK.

    They can't not expect this type of reaction. 
  17. clone

    New York or Boston

    Boston is more of a college town, the economy centers around education, medicine, culture and government. New York is more of a business and commerce city. Boston is probably a better place to raise a family. 
  18. clone

    New York or Boston

     You've never been to Boston 
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