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  1. giraffe

    What Should I Do In this Situation? GF Related

    Ask for the paint back. Tell him you'll put in a good word with your girl to help him and your gf's sister get back to better. Or just buy new paint. You make it seem like he's going to tie you up and paint you.
  2. giraffe

    How do you feel about people of other ethnicities cooking other cultures foods?

    I judge the food not the person making it.
  3. giraffe

    "...SO what are your weaknesses?" Vol. interview

    Say you try to hard to please people.
  4. giraffe

    Official things you need to improve on thread

    Getting my body fat % lower.
  5. giraffe

    How old are NT members?

  6. giraffe

    What's your body fat percentage?

    Just checked online. At 8.738%
  7. giraffe

    Girl and I like each other...but she's moving away for grad school. *another pic added on page 3*

    Hit it and plant the seed for your future together .
  8. giraffe

    Black guy hair cuts

    Go Usher or John Legend.
  9. giraffe

    Hi, My Name Is...

    What yo name iz?
  10. giraffe

    Hi, My Name Is...

    Tyler Share yours. Lets get more familiar with one another.
  11. giraffe

    Kobe has nothing on Mel Gibson. Nothing!

    Fixed for your viewing pleasure.
  12. giraffe

    Kobe has nothing on Mel Gibson. Nothing!

     Divorce is scary.
  13. giraffe

    Kobe Bryant's wife files for divorce. **UPDATE** Alleged mistress on page one. **UPDATE**

    Jessica, Carla... Tiger Woods would approve.
  14. giraffe

    So We Gon Act Like Drake aint Drop a Lyrical Gym on Us?

    Lyrical Gym, aye? Must've just got done listening to Lyrical Exercise.
  15. giraffe

    I am mulling over this 5 team League Pass deal. Which 5 would you take?

    Wizards  for John Wall Thunder for Durant and Westbrook Miami for the Big 2 and a half Clippers for Lob City Knicks
  16. giraffe

    Gift ideas for the GF

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