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  1. davinelulinvega

    the thread about nothing...

    It happens to be cheated on, but it's even worse when it's someone you work with, as I can't avoid a woman to cheat on me, I tend to avoid any people at work to know women I'm with, it's already painful when they cheat on you, but when everybody knows...
  2. davinelulinvega

    the thread about nothing...

    Which the scariest, drowning in it, or being with your ex ?
  3. davinelulinvega

    the thread about nothing...

    Honor* written with my Android
  4. davinelulinvega

    the thread about nothing...

    She's perfect, problem with the internet is all these beautiful women we don't even meet or has no chance with, the come back to reality is hurtful 😂 I don't think I'm sexist BUT sometimes I'm thinking about stuff like, " problems " men could have aging about their intimity could sometimes be...
  5. davinelulinvega

    the thread about nothing...

    I Didn't know that 😮 Alright, I wonder what people would fin later, there was a video here a few years ago, both funny and pathetic, the initial topic was for rights of homosexuals, but one of them get mad at the journalist because he was a man ( beard and all ) so the journalist treated him...
  6. davinelulinvega

    the thread about nothing...

    Did he explain why ?
  7. davinelulinvega

    the thread about nothing...

    I'm surprised we're in 2024 and we don't got something like people wanting to change their color skin, I was thinking it would come earlier 😆 I know it already exists, but I mean surgery democratization for it... How many years before it becomes true ?
  8. davinelulinvega

    the thread about nothing...

    " But a b++++ can't get a dollar out of me " It's dangerous to give money to people who don't ask to it, because they might want to have more then and push you to your limits... And if it's to be known every parasite in the next video would be begging for money, so, no way 😂 Money is the...
  9. davinelulinvega

    the thread about nothing...

    Can't remember the name but I saw a video compilation of a rapper a few days ago where he said how people wouldn't dare to put a gun at him ( he had spent some time in jail, maybe why he was thinking that ? ), in the same video they told you he died in a shooting. It is already possible to be...
  10. davinelulinvega

    the thread about nothing...

    I was worried the whole time I was scrolling 😅
  11. davinelulinvega

    the thread about nothing...

    " Taste the rainbow " :lol:
  12. davinelulinvega

    the thread about nothing...

    Summer Between 68 and 95 I'm good, more than 95 it becomes a lot Less than 50 I dislike it Less than 32 I hate it I could be able to enjoy rain, but cold? Nope. Only cool thing about cold is sweating a lot less, but when it's hot and you find a way to stay fresh it is so enjoyable. Also...
  13. davinelulinvega

    the thread about nothing...

    Thought a collegue would retire this year but I heard him saying to someone he would like to push it to 65, not 62, I don't even know his age but man how long would we have to work together ? 😂
  14. davinelulinvega

    the thread about nothing...

  15. davinelulinvega

    the thread about nothing...

    MLK and twerk in the same sentence ? Glad he couldn't see this happened... "I have a dream..." well, not that one.
  16. davinelulinvega

    the thread about nothing...

    I only like Adidas for a specific old school jogging bottom, like only Reebok Classic could interest me, and here again, a very specific one I had around 2005... While Nike used to have it all to me a very few time ago. Even if I was deceived a lot too, like for recent years Nike Shox R4 which...
  17. davinelulinvega

    the thread about nothing...

    I'ld rather be rich and smiling than poor and crying :lol: That's like people thinking beautiful women couldn't be clever, yes they do Some have it all
  18. davinelulinvega

    the thread about nothing...

    Like “Money Can't Buy Happiness”... Who says that in general, poors ? I don't think so :nerd:
  19. davinelulinvega

    the thread about nothing...

    Yes, that's true, I tend to spend a lot of time doing 1 or 2 things, then moving to other ones, then going back to the first ones... Also kind of addict to NikeTalk, so I tried to calm down too :lol: What's good since last time ? Very vague question :rofl:
  20. davinelulinvega

    the thread about nothing...

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