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  1. lui kang817

    You know what time it is!! USTREAM

    ME TOO
  2. lui kang817

    You know what time it is!! USTREAM

  3. lui kang817

    You know what time it is!! USTREAM

    shes back
  4. lui kang817

    You know what time it is!! USTREAM

    Which would you choose though......Kayla or Ginger  ?
  5. lui kang817

    You know what time it is!! USTREAM

    why is my chat screen white ??????
  6. lui kang817

    New tattoo idea Vol. Four word meaningful quotes

       What you did there....I see it .
  7. lui kang817

    New tattoo idea Vol. Four word meaningful quotes

    So long story short...I'm about to get another tattoo and I'm looking for a meaningful quote about living life, having faith, overcoming or something of that nature any ideas ? Thanks in advance mates....Cherrio
  8. lui kang817

    Socially awkward moments. Volume 2

    I remember one time I was at Razoos and I was trying to take a pic of this juicy butt that was standing next to me and the flash and shutter sound were on.   
  9. lui kang817

    NT what's your current job ?

    Customer service rep for Chase credit card services. Pay is decent and co-workers are
  10. lui kang817

    NT's Fatherless Children

      Dunks87 and YungSatellite speak the truth. Bro I'm 22 yrs old I have a BITTER bm whenever me and her would bump heads she would pull that "you cant see him" bs, so at 20yrs old I took the liberty of taking HER to court for visitation and putting myself on child support. Was it easy ?....NO...
  11. lui kang817

    NT's Fatherless Children

    I think any and all "men" who arent in their child/childrens life are the biggest waste of space on this earth. There is no justifiable (sp) reason to not atleast be around, its not all about finances. I was raised my mom and she did the best she could but a woman cant teach a boy how to be a...
  12. lui kang817

    Admit something embarrassing about yourself

    -When me and my ex broke up I listened to I'm a survivor by Destinys Child and I Will Survive on repeat. -I once got locked in the bathroom at Subway and the fire dept had to come rescue me.....suited up with the truck and all. I was 19 btw. -One time me and my ex where taking a shower together...
  13. lui kang817

    ...Official BLACKBERRY Thread v.updated...

    I have the Tour, and I'm still within my 30 day refund period so I thought about swapping it out for the 8530. Got to Best Buy and quickly changed my mind! Other than WiFi which I dont see myself ever using and the trackpad which I wish I had the Tour is much better imo. Tour has a better...
  14. lui kang817

    LISTEN UP MONROE-VERS...and other such movie quotes

    "Gangstas..... whats up guys ?"
  15. lui kang817

    2 phrases that set ppl off. :lol

    I HATE when people tell me to "calm down" when I'm not even rowdy !!!!
  16. lui kang817

    What principles do you guys live by ?

    Alot of this stuff is I always try to do everything with integrity no matter the situation. I try not to ever do things just to get even or out of spite. I'm working on listening more and speaking less.
  17. lui kang817

    What principles do you guys live by ?

    Just curious.
  18. lui kang817

    Post your Area Code

  19. lui kang817

    Im from the south VOL Down South STAND UP

    I love the south. I was born in Chicago and moved to Texas when I was ten. At first I HATED it down here, but now I couldn't see myself anywhereelse.....except maybe Cali.
  20. lui kang817

    How old do you act? Take this quiz

    20+ I'm 21
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