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  1. fresh2death2004

    A Tattoo of Allah?

    Both, and what does Allah even look like...?
  2. fresh2death2004

    My iPhone screen is cracked really bad!!!!

    They're selling refurbs for $250 now. Go check that. I always put it in my pocket facing in, so that this situation doesn't arise
  3. fresh2death2004

    my 21+ NTers...

    Liquid Cocaine tastes nice. Don't get that for her. Do a Lotto 649 (Canadian Lottery): Tell the bartender to pick a bottle, count out 6 bottles, pick the one they land on. Repeat with 4, pull that bottle, and do the same for 9. Take the 3 bottlesof alcohol the bartender got, and mix it into one...
  4. fresh2death2004

    yo i kno everybody is lookin for them new clear air force ones!!! vol yung n rich

    That video was dope... When it was posted a year ago...
  5. fresh2death2004

    wucha guys think of this shirt???

    Wow... Um... Wow.... Great shirt. You should get it immediately, in all colours /sarcasm off
  6. fresh2death2004

    Do any other NTers remember this picture?

    Claw prints? I didn't know Big Foot could get tattoos...
  7. fresh2death2004

    Who else been with their girl so long that your game got old?

    That's why you keep flirting with other girls WHILE you're dating your girl. Keeps you up-to-date, just in case anything happens "Miss lady, miss lady, miss lady, lemme holla at cha!" Hahaha
  8. fresh2death2004

    Does music bring out your genuine feelings for someone?

    I wouldn't say it could MAKE you fall for someone, but I guess it can help you realize certain feelings.
  9. fresh2death2004


    If any of my boys ever did that, I'd do a flying uppercut on them right there and then, word to Ryu. SHORYUKEN!!!
  10. fresh2death2004

    Am I wrong or is she just stupid??? Driving Related

    Honestly she's a moron. If you rear-end a person, no matter the cirumstances, you are held liable. Distractions or not. If the lady is making a turn, whywould she be STARING into her rearview the entire turn. It's hear fault she didn't take her eyes off and look forward. You have nothing to do...
  11. fresh2death2004

    Finding bugs before going asleep unappreciation

    On average, I think a person swallows like 9 spiders in their sleep every year. Something like that
  12. fresh2death2004

    Getting pulled over 2 minutes from your house UNAPPRECIATION

    I always drive without signaling, sometimes in front of cops. Never got pulled over
  13. fresh2death2004

    I going CRAZY!!! *UPDATE*

    Well 2 things is wrong with what you said: 1. You assume we'll go out of our way to help a dude who didn't even take the time to study, and instead, comes on NT to pass the time. That wasdumb 2. Help with school work is against the rules on NT
  14. fresh2death2004

    I going CRAZY!!! *UPDATE*

    "I going CRAZY!!!" Lucky for you, you don't have an english test bro... Just copy down all the formulas on a sheet of paper, and tape it to the inside of your calculator. That's what I used to do
  15. fresh2death2004

    Anyone have a Razr?

    A Razr? Welcome to 2005 bro. Get a PDA or something, like an HTC or a BB
  16. fresh2death2004

    Look-A-Likes Volume 2008.

    That MADE my night!
  17. fresh2death2004

    Has This Been the Worst Movie Month in Recent Memory?

    Sweeny Todd was a pretty good movie. Better than I thought it would be. Or was that December...?
  18. fresh2death2004

    first time credit card user tips. come on in!

    Buying gas with your CC is the WORST thing you could do. Don't put in gas unless you have cash on hand. Simple as that. The only other tip to live by is to not use your CC unless you have the money to pay it back immediately, or within the near future (Near future being 2-3days). Don't get into...
  19. fresh2death2004

    Armless skipping stone...err I mean swimmer beats swimmers with arms..

    The title of the thread had me
  20. fresh2death2004

    Arrested Development

    AnalRapist had me the first time I heard it. I spit water everywhere
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