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  1. i am furby

    Metal Gear Solid 10th Anniversary...10/21/98

    Damn I can't believe it's been 10 years! Well happy anniversary to my favorite game series of all time!!! MGS FTW!!!
  2. i am furby


    ^Pretty much. All of you saying Colin Powell is a war criminal really need to educate yourself, you sound very uninformed. Youtube Bush's War, it is aFrontline Presentation (one of the only somewhat independent newsworthy sources on television). After you watch the video and if you still...
  3. i am furby

    NT, you win. 7 years and 2 days later, I'm done.

    I know that I am not an "important" figure here on NT, just one of the regulars, but this board HAS changed over the last 6 years. Although I haveonly been registered since '04, I like many others spent months and even years enjoying NT back when it was an entirely different beast. As I...
  4. i am furby

    Question for Christians: Why is your "God "respected while Lucifer is not?

    Not very insightful. The man asked a question, if you cannot or will not answer it stay out of the thread.
  5. i am furby

    Colin Powell Endorses Barack Obama!!!

    Honestly, I have a LOT of respect for Colin Powell. He is such an intelligent man, I really think this goes quite a ways in helping to further propelObama's legitimacy.
  6. i am furby

    Mark Wahlberg threatens Andy Samberg

    Man what a buster. I swear some of these Hollywood morons take stuff waaaay to seriously, and to think I actually started to like him after 4 Brothers and TheDeparted.
  7. i am furby

    How Low are Gas prices going to dip ?

    Jesus H! We are still paying $3.50 in Ca!
  8. i am furby

    Do you fart in your dog's face?

    Well do you?
  9. i am furby

    The Economist: GET READY FOR A WORLD CURRENCY (2018)

    Come on man, don't you watch The X-Files?!
  10. i am furby

    Those of You Who Have Had A NetFlix Membership For More Than 6 Months

    I ned to do Netflix. My wife and I rent about 3 movies per week, and I am sure this would save us a bunch of money in the long run. Do they send movies to POboxes?
  11. i am furby

    The Economist: GET READY FOR A WORLD CURRENCY (2018)

    The Corporatocracy has won people. Seriously, get ready for RFID chips in your drivers licenses, strict gun control, GPS monitoring of all people, retinal andthumb scans, and cameras like England. The end of our freedoms as we know them is upon us, enjoy them while you can. If you think I am...
  12. i am furby

    Cosplay FTL!

    ^ whoah. That's impressive, and those females are, well, females.
  13. i am furby

    offical 10/14/08 thread

    Interstellar travel is tricky business people, and Aliens don't like to ask for directions.
  14. i am furby

    Nature never ceases to amaze me! Tons of pics!

    Is this the new U-Madd pic?
  15. i am furby

    1)Am I the only one that cops fitteds a lil bigger?/2) Biting your tounge Unappreciation

    I used to when they were made of wool. After I sweat, the hats usually shrunk to a perfect fit.
  16. i am furby

    When You Have Kids Will You Address Homosexuality To Them In Hopes Of Preventing It?

    Homosexuality has been around for thousands of years, people just need to get used to it. I would have a problem if my son was overtly feminine (i.e.stereotypical SF gay man), just as I would have a problem if my straight son was a womanizer. The same goes for females. Basically, if my kids are...
  17. i am furby

    Cosplay FTL!

    pics not working for me.
  18. i am furby

    ***So Much Failure In Such Little Time***

    Old. I feel bad for her though.
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