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  1. i am furby

    one of the funniest and grossest things i've seen in a while

    what has been heard cannot be unheard
  2. i am furby

    Miss "Cot Damn!" Koi.

    Thats gross!
  3. i am furby

    I'm gonna get my wife one of these...

    You mean GIVE her one of these.
  4. i am furby

    Miss "Cot Damn!" Koi.

    Calling another mans wife ugly on the internet. Stay classy Niketalk.
  5. i am furby

    Official B l u - r a y thread - Confirmed: Lucasfilm preparing Star Wars box

    I'm sure the off brands (ie:Magnavox, Insignia) are probably fine, but I just cannot for the life of me buy any of those. I have a launch 20gig PS3 in thebedroom and an 80gig in the living room with no problems so far on either unit. *crosses fingers* I'm happy with their performance for the...
  6. i am furby

    sprint users... ETF cancellations are free.... update beaware of new $5/month fee

    Nice work OP! Just saved $20 for the next 24 months. Also found out I have a corporate clause to allow an additional 17% off my total bill. Good looking out,most appreciated!!!
  7. i am furby

    How is it we can see galaxies light years away?

    pretty much sums it up.
  8. i am furby

    HDTV & Audio FAQ, Accessories and TV area setup Official Post Vol. That time again...

    I've had the unit since last Christmas, and really enjoy it. I have it paired in my living room with a Panasonic 42'' plasma. It's a greatset-up for an apartment or a small house. It has a fairly good sound field for a "virtual-surround" unit, as long as you aren't really expecting5.1 sound to...
  9. i am furby

    Anywhere to buy Jordans in Hong Kong?

    Thanks for all the help fellas. I guess it will be more difficult than I thought to find Js, especially since I am a size 11. I guess I better not hold mybreath while looking for a pair!
  10. i am furby

    Anywhere to buy Jordans in Hong Kong?

    I've been a member since early 2005 and rarely post anymore because of the poor attitudes some people display here. I don't frequent NT as much as Iused to, that is to say almost never, so maybe just maybe I hoped someone could provide me some quick info...someone did. Thanks again for that...
  11. i am furby

    Anywhere to buy Jordans in Hong Kong?

    ^ awesome! Thanks a lot!
  12. i am furby

    Anywhere to buy Jordans in Hong Kong?

    I'll be gone for vacation on Christmas and New Years in HK and was wondering if anyone knows some spots to hit up for the Space Jams? Any help isappreciated!
  13. i am furby

    What is the Most Important Non-Fiction Book You Have Read In Your Life?

    Confessions of an Economic Hitman, followed by The Omnivore's Dilemma.
  14. i am furby

    Anyone else disappointed in the POTUS?

    I was all gung-ho for the whole "Change" phenomenon, but as hindsight is 20/20 I feel like I was swindled. Sure, it's only been a few months andhurdles are hurdles but come on! The man campaigned hard that he would not allow lobbyists into his inner circle, that promise was laughable. He...
  15. i am furby

    why does tv suck on sundays???

    TV sucks everyday.
  16. i am furby

    Look at the size of this this PS'ed?

  17. i am furby

    I received my Master of Science in Education degree today!

    Congrats my man, quite an accomplishment! I graduated with my Masters in Occupational Therapy in '08, what a sweet feeling that was!
  18. i am furby

    NT...My Pops Died Today...RIP Roy Hall

    I'm sorry for your loss, RIP.
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