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  1. the jordan massacre

    Mike Jordan,Dennis Rodman reggie miller pick up game (vids)

    I thought i saw Horace Grant there too..
  2. the jordan massacre

    Where can I find LRG jeans??

    stop bumping posts. i could have sworn i saw this yesterday
  3. the jordan massacre

    I Just Send My Girl Scary Maze Link

    I said "Oh #%+%!!! AGH!" and my mom heard me
  4. the jordan massacre

    Has your teacher said that you cant say the word "DAMN"?

    yes, damn is a bad word... what kinda question is that?
  5. the jordan massacre


    Yes im salty. My dog just chewed up a 400 dollar mic cord. And now icant record this song. Im bout to sell the bastard. i hate yorkies...
  6. the jordan massacre

    West Coast NT: 'Will's Dad' Fresh Prince episode on...

    Deep episode... Gets to me everytime i see it
  7. the jordan massacre

    Earning free money vol. I got only 30 cents so far

    Nah, im good bo. aint no such thing as "free money"
  8. the jordan massacre

    Real life pix of E90 M3

    Beautiful cars... I love BMW's
  9. the jordan massacre

    Dukes I swear i'm mad: girl problem

    Sparknotes: - I end me and my girl because the b**** thinks she gave me some STD or something. (she THINKS. How you get a STD as a virgin ) - Come to school the next couple of days and I try to talk to her but she ain't hearing it. - She's talking about talking to other dukes and im sitting...
  10. the jordan massacre

    The Best Thread In NT History?

    I should see some hilarious stuff in this thread My vote has to hands down be the Harlem Shake Story. Here it is for those few who haven't read it.
  11. the jordan massacre

    Holy %%+@... Quite Possibly The Cleanest Car Ever

    Not the cleanest car ever though. Damn near close though
  12. the jordan massacre

    I have a Major Crush on Marie Digby

    She mad hideous bo. Something about her face Looks likesomething that goes bump in the night
  13. the jordan massacre

    Food Fights: Anyone ever been in one?

    This happens at least twice a month at my school.
  14. the jordan massacre


    DEF APPRECIATED Gorgeous... But you might want to edit that last pic. I see nipples...
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