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  1. 5thgearidah

    Arrested for not leaving a tip vol. ARE YOU KIDDING ME???

    fam, your really wrong on this. The only state that servers get an actual wage is California. The rest of the country servers get like $4...andon top of that, have to tip out other folks. So if they dont get tipped they have lose money on serving you. If restaurants had to pay servers the...
  2. 5thgearidah

    Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

    school has straight up thrown me off my square. My diet is as clean as its ever been, and im getting daily cardio (commuter cyclist), but I havent been supplementing diet with protein ( im vegetarian) orlifting consistently.
  3. 5thgearidah

    Proof Magic Johnson already beat AIDS

    they have found that some people arent effected by HIV like everyone else. They can hold the virus and still have a regular life.
  4. 5thgearidah

    Financial Aid Check.. Vol: Just got mine!

    im only getting $830...but man O man do I need it, im broke and need these bills taken care of still waiting on it. How you get back so much?
  5. 5thgearidah

    SMH at dude not standing up for his girl

    they let people get way too drunk at stadiums. My step mom lives by soldiers field and those people act a fool leaving.
  6. 5thgearidah


    real talk. if your getting into cycling because its "cool" your a clown, and you can be spotted a mile away. This summer was horrible for riding because ofall the kids riding around trying to be seen and not knowing proper riding etiquette. I hope all of you have a break and WEAR A HELMET!!!
  7. 5thgearidah

    Which city has the most hipsters?

    This thread i useless without pics
  8. 5thgearidah

    lol @ sugar shane

    I want to see pac man first though....but I agree
  9. 5thgearidah

    Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

    check your form. when your headed down poke your hips out and then lean down w/ your back...when the bar gets by your knees you can bend them then. its the reverse when your going up i hope that makes right now
  10. 5thgearidah

    Dancin Kim gettin real crisp like

    its fake yall i mean really...I know most of you are young, but still
  11. 5thgearidah

    What yall think about the Jordan Hall Of Fame speech??

    Im pretty shocked people are upset at this. He was having fun with his speech. He's known all these people for 20+ years, im sure its not a big dealhe's joking around with them.
  12. 5thgearidah

    Bud Light Lime Appreciation....Vol. Beer Snobs choke on your spit.

    why not just add real lime to a beer?? I dont get buying a beer w/ lime flavoring
  13. 5thgearidah

    Sooooooo.....Facebook. vol. words you don't want to hear from a future wifey

    I say this everytime a thread like this pops up. But most of the dudes on NT are real young, so they dont know any better. When it comes to your womans sexual past, dont even ask. You will never really know.
  14. 5thgearidah

    Ever stay at a hostel

    I have....and will again
  15. 5thgearidah

    You HIT MY TREE trick!!! wheres the vid????

    I need to see that
  16. 5thgearidah

    Homework With or without music?

    its either downtemp/chillout or w/ lyrics mess me all up but I have to have some type of music playing
  17. 5thgearidah

    Why is studying so hard...and the internet so easy?

    up writing a paper now....I get stuck trying to think of what to say and end up looking on the net.
  18. 5thgearidah

    Having a Good GF/Fiance/Wife Appreciation Vol. It's good to be in a relationship

    Appreciated. My gf wants to go on vacation during Christmas break...but because I decided to go back to school this year my money isnt right. So she's offering to payfor the tickets there. and when referring to money she makes at work she uses the term "ours". Plus she cooks, doesnt nag...
  19. 5thgearidah

    Nas gets a Tattoo

    execution is pretty good, but the idea is pretty bad.
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