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  1. 5thgearidah

    Sneaking into Lollapalooza...

    did you just hop the fence or something? I was looking at it while I was in there and thought that it could be done but im too old to be trying that type of stuff
  2. 5thgearidah

    PAD THAI Appreciation

    im pretty tired of it now
  3. 5thgearidah

    Obama may have to raise taxes on the middle class

    exactly. people have to deal w/ common sense. It cost money to live in a great society...most western countries pay way more than us in taxes.
  4. 5thgearidah

    'Man vs. Food' marathon on Travel channel right now!

    yea I dont get why everyone is hyping this up.
  5. 5thgearidah


    I must be the only one not impressed by this. whats so great about it?
  6. 5thgearidah

    College Dropouts = How's life right now?

    I dropped out. Im glad I did though. I think that 16 and 17 is way too young to make a decision on what your going to be doing the rest of your life. If I stayed in school and finished I would beworking a job that I hate and would probably be stuck there for the rest of my life. ive been out of...
  7. 5thgearidah

    If the decision was up to you to take your parent off the machine would you??

    yea I know this a little too serious for NT....but I remember someone being in a similar situation on here a few years ago. My main problem is my stepmom though. I know she isnt ready for it, but I am. I just dont know if doing this w/o her blessing is the right thing. Every doctor (weve...
  8. 5thgearidah

    If the decision was up to you to take your parent off the machine would you??

    My dad has ALS and is in the final stages. He cant move or do anything and is on a ventilator machine. My stepmom (who takes care of him the most) doesntwant to take him off the vent (which would cause him to pass on), but I feel it would be best because he has to be suffering and there is no...
  9. 5thgearidah

    is shaving your under arm hair for dudes considered ayo?

    funny this thread is about to hop in the shower and shave my pits dont care what yall got to say about it, it feels clean
  10. 5thgearidah

    Lost another friend to the gun last night...

    im not going to argue w/ you...but it doesnt just mean robbing. its about a come up on some money normally through illegal ways.
  11. 5thgearidah

    Lost another friend to the gun last night...

    NT is full of lames hitting a lick doesnt necessarily mean he robbed somebody
  12. 5thgearidah

    Post your TATS vol. inked for life

    he cant get that colored...he's too dark the artist probably should have used harder lines shows better on darker skin
  13. 5thgearidah

    HOW would you feel if your jumpoff just got wifed? vol. Another MECKS thread

    yall sound like kids. Hate to tell you this...but the woman you marry/get serious with will be someone elses "jumpoff".
  14. 5thgearidah

    VIDEO: Soulja Boy - Work

    I thought he got his mind right when them boys ran up in his crib and made him poop his pants. this is horrible
  15. 5thgearidah

    Beastie Boys feat. Nas- Too Many Rappers

    is this album out yet?
  16. 5thgearidah

    Post your TATS vol. inked for life

    isnt the Koi pointing down supposed to be bad luck or something?
  17. 5thgearidah

    Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

    some people replace them w/ rows
  18. 5thgearidah

    Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

    FAQ: How do I know what weights to use when starting SS? It is best to start conservatively. Start with a weight that is challenging but allows you to complete your prescribed sets and reps with good form. I'm a bodybuilder/powerlifter/competitive hockey player/etc. Is Starting Strength right...
  19. 5thgearidah

    Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

    Starting Strength: Starting Strength (SS) is both a book by Mark Rippetoe and Lon Kilgore and a routine that was spawned by the principles expounded in the book. This is not meant to be a substitute for the book, which is an invaluable resource for form descriptions and troubleshooting...
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