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  1. dwells4life

    Mission Complete... banned for spam

    lol @ Dude trying to clean up his mess.
  2. dwells4life

    Mission Complete... banned for spam

    Go "get your hustle on" in the proper forum.
  3. dwells4life

    Mission Complete... banned for spam

  4. dwells4life

    Mission Complete... banned for spam

    Oh the irony.... You're dumb*
  5. dwells4life

    Mission Complete... banned for spam

    Um... are you looking for advice? Or do you just want attention? They're just wheels.
  6. dwells4life


    Dipset - 3
  7. dwells4life

    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Prestige Edition (Unpackaging Video) $149.99

    The NVGs will end up like my Halo 3 Legendary helm... which is why the Prestige Edition is not for me.
  8. dwells4life

    NT TRUE LIFE- I'm Addicted to Coke...

    Cherry Coke <3
  9. dwells4life


    I've been looking into getting either a Pinarello or Colnago from the 80s... I haven't found a frame that's my size w/ Columbus SLXtubing, so I guess I'll continue playing the waiting game. I want either a Pinarello Montello, or a Colnago Master.
  10. dwells4life


    Rafs, that's a beautiful frame you have there... make sure to equip her with the parts she deserves :d I see you've already started with the Chris King headset... nice. Awhile ago, I contemplated buying that exact frame... only if NJS frames were built for people who are 6' Oh well, I suppose...
  11. dwells4life


    Actually, on a single speed bike you're supposed to have BOTH a front and a rear brake. One or the other is not going to suffice. What happensif your front brake goes out and you have no rear brake while in an intersection? SPLAT! What happens if your rear brake goes out and you have no front...
  12. dwells4life


    *Waits for cliché response stating "when one rides a fixie, he feels one with his bike"*
  13. dwells4life


  14. dwells4life

    AP Exams Coming to an End... How'd You Do?

    AP US History - 4 AP English Language - 4 or 5 AP Psychology - 5 AP Studio Art 2D - 4
  15. dwells4life

    Interview Tips? Vol. Serious Discussion UPDATE 5/27

    Before you leave your house on the morning of the interview, make sure your nails are clean and trimmed.
  16. dwells4life

    Post Pics of Your Room Vol. 2

    My room still looks the same... and this is a year later ^^
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