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  1. aksuited

    Jordan Brand will be remastering (building better quality shoes) starting in 2015

    It amazes me that after all this time, with all of the information just out there like that...that we still have people in here that are very much into sneakers, yet don't know a fake when they see it.
  2. aksuited

    Legit check on bc3's

    Fake. EP is way too bold and widow peaks in the middle of the toebox where it meets the tongue
  3. aksuited

    BORDEAUX 7S JULY 18th 2015

    He's the king of taking L's. We rented him a truck so he could take all of them with him when he left the thread. What a clown. LOL.
  4. aksuited

    BORDEAUX 7S JULY 18th 2015

    lol....but I thought he was talking about my post? nah? yeah....nah.
  5. aksuited

    BORDEAUX 7S JULY 18th 2015

    LOL nah they were def talking about you chief. But ignorance is bliss, right?
  6. aksuited

    BORDEAUX 7S JULY 18th 2015

  7. aksuited

    BORDEAUX 7S JULY 18th 2015

  8. aksuited

    BORDEAUX 7S JULY 18th 2015

  9. aksuited

    BORDEAUX 7S JULY 18th 2015

  10. aksuited

    BORDEAUX 7S JULY 18th 2015

  11. aksuited

    BORDEAUX 7S JULY 18th 2015

  12. aksuited

    BORDEAUX 7S JULY 18th 2015

  13. aksuited

    BORDEAUX 7S JULY 18th 2015

    LOL  but no on in here is hearing any of that. They're just chucking L's at your forehead. And they're landing right between the eyes.
  14. aksuited

    BORDEAUX 7S JULY 18th 2015

    Oh and I'll just leave this here. Seems to be everyone's sentiments regarding what you've said thus far. 
  15. aksuited

    BORDEAUX 7S JULY 18th 2015

    He already stated several times, as did others, that the shoe doesn't look like a wrestling shoe. Because, doesn't. You haven't provided anything of any worth to back up that statement. Because you know it's stupid. And you didn't just "bring up the olive 9s". You referenced them as a...
  16. aksuited

    BORDEAUX 7S JULY 18th 2015

    LOL you're calling me dense, yet YOU were the one SEVERAL posts ago saying you were done because you had better things to do. I, however, never said any of you're accusations of hypocrisy are dumbfounded, and ironic. Here, have another L....if you can fit any more. Oh and btw, I was...
  17. aksuited

    BORDEAUX 7S JULY 18th 2015

    Yeah that's one thing I really like about the 7. About to put it on, staring down at that Hurache type liner. Then putting it on, getting that throwback hurache feel and fit. 
  18. aksuited

    BORDEAUX 7S JULY 18th 2015

    If you keep making sense like this, he's gonna start attacking you too, like a frothing rabid try hard NTer.
  19. aksuited

    BORDEAUX 7S JULY 18th 2015

    Nope...I was never the one that said I had better things to do....YOU WERE. Keep waitin. And keep taking these L's.  You've got so many L's in this thread alone  you could clear an entire level of tetris.
  20. aksuited

    BORDEAUX 7S JULY 18th 2015

    LOL more Ls. This man is hilarious. 
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