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  1. aksuited

    It Has To Be Exactly Like This, It's What I'm Craving For...

    It was a survey genius....every survey does this. You identify each subject in your survey with age, sex, ethnicity. If you wanted to assume or assign anything beyond that....then that's on you. At no point did I classify each race along with tip. I just presented the info.
  2. aksuited

    It Has To Be Exactly Like This, It's What I'm Craving For...

    I'll say iti again....tell me ANYTHING I said in that thread  or any other that was even remotely racist. That was the funny part. You can't. And I knew you wouldn't be able to. I just let you run with it. AND BOY did you run with it. Just like you are now. It's hilarious. You're like a puppet.
  3. aksuited

    It Has To Be Exactly Like This, It's What I'm Craving For...

    Yeah pretty  much any thread with Zik in it
  4. aksuited

    It Has To Be Exactly Like This, It's What I'm Craving For...

    LOL more reaching. How am i reminding you I'm a racist? Your buttons are so huge it's hilarious. Seriously you prolly think everyone white that stares at you is thinking racist things.  And you never called me out on anything. Because there was never anything to be called out on. What did you...
  5. aksuited

    It Has To Be Exactly Like This, It's What I'm Craving For...

    Nah, I think you just want people to be racist so you don't seem racially insecure. But what always ends up happening is you reach super hard, and look exactly that, insecure.
  6. aksuited

    Meeting up on ebay

    LOL...not surprising. Dude seems like a beta simp
  7. aksuited

    Would you go to a club/bar alone?

    I see more and more people saying this. I've been over clubs for a minute...but it just seems like clubs in general aren't as popular as they used to be. It's getting to the point where soon people will say "People still go to clubs?"
  8. aksuited

    Meeting up on ebay

    LOL...I guess you've got a point there. 
  9. aksuited

    Meeting up on ebay

    LOL. Nevermind. I guess commons sense alludes you. Everyone else in here can tell that you're ignorant as hell. You won't listen to reason, or why you're being naive in this matter. All you wanna do is get upset because everyone else is laughing at you because this is so obvious to all of us...
  10. aksuited

    It Has To Be Exactly Like This, It's What I'm Craving For...

    LOL they're it is. I knew you couldn't resist.
  11. aksuited

    It Has To Be Exactly Like This, It's What I'm Craving For...

    LOL...after all this time. You still on me like white on rice. Never met someone so easily rustled. Don't you have a race card to be pulling somewhere? You usually do.
  12. aksuited

    It Has To Be Exactly Like This, It's What I'm Craving For...

    How can it be anything else? It's not like I was calling them those things based on important life decisions, or stances on politics, morals, or ethics. We talm bout steaks famb relax.
  13. aksuited

    It Has To Be Exactly Like This, It's What I'm Craving For...

    Yup. IDK. This Antony dude is making it awkward.
  14. aksuited

    It Has To Be Exactly Like This, It's What I'm Craving For...

    Jesus famb relax. It really isn't that serious. Maybe I just operate differently than you....but this thread seemed light hearted to me. If you or anyone else wanna catch feelings because I called people eating well done steaks ignorant, in a shoe forum, then that's on you. It's just laughs...
  15. aksuited

    Ask A Hedge Fund Fraud

    Funny thing is, this pathetic liar ghosts from the thread after getting exposed. Gone fore months and months from the thread. THen, someone bumps it, laughing at him....and he replies within an hour? This cat is weird as hell.
  16. aksuited

    Ask A Hedge Fund Fraud

    They saw that this clown wears the same brown shoes every day for miles and miles and miles and rejected his order. They aren't gonna have struggle footwear dirtying up their custom carpet and upholstery. 
  17. aksuited

    It Has To Be Exactly Like This, It's What I'm Craving For...

    It's not that serious breh. It's just a light hearted thread on a sneaker forum. I don't think anyone is assigning actual character judgement with any substantial level of conviction. Except for the butt hurt shoe eaters. They seem extra rustled.
  18. aksuited

    It Has To Be Exactly Like This, It's What I'm Craving For...

    Over oak wood fire is best IMO. Mesquite is okay, but it's too smoky of a burn best reserved for bbq items like ribs.
  19. aksuited

    It Has To Be Exactly Like This, It's What I'm Craving For...

    LOL this thread is hilarious. I'm surprised none of you have tried to turn this into a race thread yet.
  20. aksuited

    It Has To Be Exactly Like This, It's What I'm Craving For... did that on purpose. You know nothing good will come of this.
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