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  1. magic820

    Jordan Cigar Legit Check

    Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. It's not worth the hassle. No way any sane person would cop sneakers for $450 to resell on Ebay for a loss.  Thanks guys. 
  2. magic820

    Jordan Cigar Legit Check

    So the seller sent an image of a receipt from Amazon... Apparently the item was purchased at a third party store on amazon, TwoZeroFive, which still has a few sizes of cigars selling for $450 (receipt also says 450). I won these for about $100 less than that, so although the shoes look legit...
  3. magic820

    Jordan Cigar Legit Check

    Hey NikeTalk fam. I won these on eBay but haven't paid yet. The buyer says he bought them on Amazon Prime, which seems kinda shady to me, but the sneakers look pretty solid. Can anyone confirm these before I pull the trigger? 
  4. magic820

    Jordan Champagne legit check

    Can anyone help out with these?
  5. magic820

    Jordan Champagne legit check

    Can anyone check these out and see if they're legit? No receipt and low price which gives me anxiety that they're not legit... Would love to hear some opinions from the forum!
  6. magic820

    Jordan Championship Pack Legit Check

    Can anyone LC these? Won on ebay but haven't paid yet... Would really appreciate the help!$_10.JPG$_10.JPG$_10.JPG...
  7. magic820

    Jordan Champagne 6 Legit Check

    Anyone else have any thoughts?
  8. magic820

    Jordan Champagne 6 Legit Check

    Was able to confirm the order number/receiptfor the shoes checked out on NDC by verifying through their order status page. Seems legit. We'll see if everything matches up when the shoes arrive.
  9. magic820

    Jordan Champagne 6 Legit Check

    Yeah UPC from the receipt matches the sneaker,  which also matches the box, so it should  be legit. But I'm just trying to be absolutely certain.
  10. magic820

    Jordan Champagne 6 Legit Check

    Anyone have any insight on these?
  11. magic820

    Jordan Retro VI "Cigar/Champagne" Championship Pack

    Can anyone legit check these? Still deciding whether to purchase.
  12. magic820

    Jordan Champagne 6 Legit Check

    Came across these on ebay... Haven't sent payment just yet.  The buyer sent over these photos. Can anyone confirm if they're legit or not from these?
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