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  1. simon7w

    Bel-Air 5 L/C

    These have the engraving and appear to be legit. I owe @ryanjumpman420 an apology. I asked for a LC on a pair of these a while back and you mentioned the engraving.
  2. simon7w

    Bel-Air 5 L/C

    I just unlaced my bel airs. There is a TWENTYTHIRTEEN engraved on the outer side of the tongue. Faint but there. I also took these pics too.
  3. simon7w

    Bel-Air 5 L/C

    Pic or it didn't happen!
  4. simon7w

    Bel-Air 5 L/C

    Seems the general consensus is legit.
  5. simon7w

    Bel-Air 5 L/C

    I've heard bel airs do not have that engraving?
  6. simon7w

    Bel-Air 5 L/C

    So what's your opinion @ebonezershoes?
  7. simon7w

    Bel-Air 5 L/C

    I get you.
  8. simon7w

    Bel-Air 5 L/C

    Lining is smooth and shines
  9. simon7w

    Bel-Air 5 L/C

    Who is ED? Here is a shot of the sole next to my Oreo 5's. The bell airs aren't as blue.
  10. simon7w

    Bel-Air 5 L/C

    @from88til as per usual very helpful. Thank you.
  11. simon7w

    Bel-Air 5 L/C

    Thanks man.
  12. simon7w

    Bel-Air 5 L/C

    Thank you both. Rep added.
  13. simon7w

    Bel-Air 5 L/C

    They are glossy.
  14. simon7w

    Bel-Air 5 L/C

    @TIMMYBRIXXX Thank you sir.
  15. simon7w

    Bel-Air 5 L/C

    Helpful as always @bcdagr8, rep added. Thanks bro.
  16. simon7w

    Bel-Air 5 L/C

    @TIMMYBRIXXX @agsz @from88til @cashm0neyand1 @bcdagr8 @ophelia
  17. simon7w

    Bel-Air 5 L/C

    @TIMMYBRIXXX @agsz @from88til @opilla36 @bcdagr8 @cashm0neyand1
  18. simon7w

    Bel-Air 5 L/C

    I'm more than happy to take pics of what ever you guys need. I would say the purple is more glossy than dull, but not like a mirror.
  19. simon7w

    Bel-Air 5 L/C

    will do, thanks for the input tho.
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