your take on dating a 29 year old female when you 21?

Jan 31, 2003
well his the story bout a year ago or so i broke up wit my gf of 3 years. after we broke up i became some what of a player just banging chicks and sending themon there way cuz i didnt want to get attached and get played again. so i started hooking up wit this 29 year old wit a kid. after messing with her for bout 2months i finally made her my gf and felt i was a family man. i cut out most of the partying all the other girls and such. make a long story short couple weeksago she wanted to cut it off cuz she said the age thing was freaking her out. do you think the age thing should matter?
Yes and No. When college dudes are dating high school chicks than that is a problem but i dont see a problem when both people are adults over the age 20.
it does if she wanna grow that family. her biological clock is tickin and she gonna start puttin pressure on you to make juniors.
lol no pics. i known this chick for like a couple years for we hooked up. be honest we kinda fell in love witch eachother. she was the first to tell me sheloves me and such. i loved her back she would take care of me give me keys to her house. be honest i wouldnt mind having kids with her cuz im happy with her nogirl made me feel how she did
Originally Posted by jumpman247

She's going to try to run your life man, smash and be out.


they will suck the life out of you. Take that however you want
If you want to stay with her, you have to show her you're mature and share the same life goals and interests as her.

Age means nothing if you two are on the same page about life, kids, career, and are genuinely emotionally connected.

The only thing is it's hard to find a 21 year old with the ambitions of a 30 year old, and she's categorized you in that stereotype.

If you can break that mold, and show her what' up, then she'll have no objections.

Only difference is she'll retire before you.
age shouldnt matter, but sometimes it does. women usually date older, so that's probably why she feels weird about it.
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

If you want to stay with her, you have to show her you're mature and share the same life goals and interests as her.

Age means nothing if you two are on the same page about life, kids, career, and are genuinely emotionally connected.

The only thing is it's hard to find a 21 year old with the ambitions of a 30 year old, and she's categorized you in that stereotype.

If you can break that mold, and show her what' up, then she'll have no objections.

Only difference is she'll retire before you.
Bingo...maturity, life goals, and compatibility are key.
I'm 19 and the girl im talkin to is 22 and the only negative is that she kind of expects a lot. not in terms of material but in terms of how i act. shethinks i'm very mature but she expects me to live up to that standard at all times. i mean i dont consider myself immature but i can't help it if ilike to be a kid sometimes and be playful at times.

the only other thing i hate is the way she kind of talks to me like she is trying to school me on everything. i mean i understand that she has been through alot but that doesn't mean nothing cuz she hasnt been there thro my entire life so she doesnt know what i have and havent been thro.
Originally Posted by mobster52

well his the story bout a year ago or so i broke up wit my gf of 3 years. after we broke up i became some what of a player just banging chicks and sending them on there way cuz i didnt want to get attached and get played again. so i started hooking up wit this 29 year old wit a kid. after messing with her for bout 2 months i finally made her my gf and felt i was a family man. i cut out most of the partying all the other girls and such. make a long story short couple weeks ago she wanted to cut it off cuz she said the age thing was freaking her out. do you think the age thing should matter?
Man she got what she wanted out of you. Trust me, at your age, that is not what you want. TRUST ME.
I think you messed up by trying to wife her.
i mean i didnt try and wife her and go out and get married and complete cut everything out my life. when i was wit her i was able to go hit clubs when i wantedand all that but to be honest all thats kinda wack. i mean i dont act like im 21 i grew up wit older cats schooling me life this aint my first older chick ismashed.
I don't feel age should matter when both folks are adults. It's something else up, maybe she is tired of jokes she getting from her friends/family.
You should let her go if she wants, don't just give up your youth for her. Party, hit chicks and live it up. The time to settle down will come
When I was 19 I dated a 29 y.o woman for about a year and she was wantin me to plant some seeds in her garden and all that comes with it...I hadnt seen her inyears until this christmas at target and now she has 3 kids and is married and boy did I miss a bullet right there, what once was a dime turned into aquarter....She also had the nerve to ask If I wanted to get "together" sometime. Eww
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