Your opinion NT - Fighting over females?

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Nov 30, 2002
I bring this topic about, because the other night, I'm out chilling w/ my boys at a bar in town. I've been drinking prior to my arrival at the bar, dueto the fact that drinks were free at a club we were at earlier. So never -the-less, while I'm at the bar chillin', slightly drunk, I'm approachedby a young lady who is telling me to have a shot because "I look bored", I tell her I'm good, and she proceeds to take my hat, and put it on herhead. Me being in the laid back mood that I was in didn't really put to much into it, I was just chillin, so I tell her we should do karaoke together, justbeing corny, to see how far she would take it. So she's looking through the karaoke book, chattin' with my homeboys at another table, I'm notreally paying attention; but somehow, I hear my name being utter from them, about my hat on her head, so I randomly insert "yeah she owes me a kiss forthat", which just so happened to be the corniest thing that cropped up into the old scull, I follow that up w/ a "unless your boyfriend ispresent". So fittingly, her boyfriend pops up at the table I'm sitting at, and begins to pop off, he's obviously drunk, so I take that intoaccount. So throughout a short drunk spill about his commitment to his girl, and a random staring contest, he makes it painfully obvious that he wants tofight. I decide to take the high road and not really throw fuel into the fire, partly because I had a bunch of rowdy goons w/ me, whom once he notice, he beganto slowly sip his beer and mind his business. Shortly after, me and my friends left the bar; however, I couldn't help be think that I was totallydisrespected, and I shouldn't have taken the high road that night.

...With that said, I always held true to the notion that I would never fight over a female, unless she was being abused in such a manner that warranted medoing so. However, in what situations would you actually let yourself engage in such behavior?

...No, there isn't any pics.
I dont get it, so you didnt fight the dude, so whats the problem?

Props for walking away tho' stuff like that shouldnt mess up your night.
i never see it as fighting over a female. it's fighting because you were disrespected by the person and a female just happens to be involved.
^Thats what bothers me, I figure the root of the problem is me being disrespected. But it just felt like I was fighting over a female. Overall, I felt as if itwasn't worth it. But couldn't shake the feeling of being disrespected.
Only females I would fight over (at least at this point in my life) is my mother and my sister. If a friend is beng disrespected I'll jump in, but I'mnot wearing any capes for females.
If his girl wanted 2 be a nutass *unstable creature* then that's on her/him (4 not tellin her bout herself).

You did the right thing.

Now if you're askin me what situations I would (did) fight over?

Scenario: It's 2 in the morning. You're standing in the chinese food store high with your girl, waiting for your cheesesteak rolls, crab sticks, andshrimp fried rice. A dude she knows from around (lived around him for a while, NOT an ex/former smash, well call him Rodney) staggers in drunk as hell. Heslaps her on the#%+@ and says 'What up trick, how u is?" She gets mad and says 'Don't $^$&((* touch me like that, you play 2 %$^*^$#much.' He just laughs and does it again.

What would you do?

(I took it outside, scuffed'eem, got my food and left...Falcon Punch!)
[color= rgb(204, 153, 255)]you did the right thing. dude would have prolly damn-near gotten killed. and for what ?[/color]
i never see it as fighting over a female. it's fighting because you were disrespected by the person and a female just happens to be involved.

I agree...Alot of cowards are like nah you never fight over birds, but it isnt fighting over them it is fighting because someone disrespected you. If a guy is aware that the girl is involved with someone then he should take a seat and wait his turn,but if he proceeds to try and convinve her to come over to his side then he deserves a beating. In this situation the only exception that can be made is if he didnt know. In that case you get one of your girls to beat the brakes off of the girl for being a scutter.
Falcon Punch!

Big NO-NO.. If _'s would learn how to control they b's this problem wouldn't happen.

If my shorty was messing with some other dude my problem defintely wouldnt be with the dude
The guy should be mad at his girl, not you. But if I got disrespected by any guy, I wouldn't let it slide.
Originally Posted by goldNboi7

Now if you're askin me what situations I would (did) fight over?

Scenario: It's 2 in the morning. You're standing in the chinese food store high with your girl, waiting for your cheesesteak rolls, crab sticks, and shrimp fried rice. A dude she knows from around (lived around him for a while, NOT an ex/former smash, well call him Rodney) staggers in drunk as hell. He slaps her on the#%+@ and says 'What up trick, how u is?" She gets mad and says 'Don't $^$&((* touch me like that, you play 2 %$^*^$# much.' He just laughs and does it again.

What would you do?

(I took it outside, scuffed'eem, got my food and left...Falcon Punch!)

For situations like that, i would do what you did. Reasons go to a certain extent.
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