YO! Should my "fanhood" be questioned? ...

Jun 13, 2006
YO! Follow me for a second... I'm from an "expansion city." I was almost 7 before I saw my first professional team come to Charlotte. I playedTecmo Bowl back in the day and won my first game with San Fran. I was a Niners fan from that point on... Well, the Panthers come to town. And I was still aNiner fan. Back in the days when the Panthers were in the NFC West, when the two teams met... I'd just be neutral. In recent years, York had the Ninersheaded south and the Panthers were a field goal away from a ticker tape parade down Tryon St. I was watching the two teams play today and really didn'tgive a damn who won. Which leads me to this:

The other night, me and my homeboy were at TGIFriday's watching the Dal/GB game. And as Cowboys fans started celebrating, my friend leaned over and says"don't worry. It'll be the Niners' time again." So I had this thought... say for instance the Panthers were to win the Super Bowl oneyear. And the following year, the Niners won. Am I not to be respected as a true fan if I enjoy each team's successes equally? Do I have to choose at somepoint?
Fanhood to the teams? yes, because it seems pretty obvious is wavering when the team isn't doing so hot.
I'm sure you're definitely a big fan to the game though.
It used to be like that for me too with the Kings and Pacers....but now i don't give a damn that they both suck
i still follow them both prettyclosely though.
tough call but id say you have to pick one. my team has always been the cavs but back when MJ was on the Bulls, he was my favorite player playing. when he cameto town, id still want the cavs to win those games. i wasnt ever really 'happy' for MJ when he won all those titles, more like watching them in awe. idrather have had the cavs win 1 by now, hell any cleveland sports team.

from that 2 lines of a story, id say you gotta stick with the 9ers even though you now have a hometown team. i dont know tho, thats a sticky situation and imglad im not in it!
Being a fan is what you make of it, you want to root for both I say go for it.
YO! This is the only league in which I have this issue. And I never waivered based upon record, around '98 both teams were pretty decent. Now both teamssuck. The T.O. situation left a bad taste in my mouth (pause) but I was still hoping for the best. DF!!!
If you are from a city that did not have a team when you were younger, whats wrong with being a fan of the 49ers, especially since fandom came from tecmo bowl.

If Cleveland didn't have a team(baseball, football etc.) i would certainly find another team to root for. And if cleveland eventually received an expansionteam in that sport, i would certainly not be against them having success.
YO! How many of you replying are from an expansion city though? More than anything I just want a championship at home. Can't blame a guy for that. DF!!!
there shouldn't be a problem rooting for two teams, but u should have one above the other..but iono it doesnt matter really. i'm a 49er fan but i likethe raiders too, but i'd take niners over raiders anyday
Yeah you prolly should pick one...if they were in different conferences we might coulda let you slide...but as it stands you, patna, have some serious soulsearching (or coin flipping) 2 do.
YO! Hell, it was even worse when they were in the same division. But I'd say today... (after the T.O. trade to Philly actually) the Panthers are my #1.DF!!!
just stick with it then. it might be tough at times, but with determination and NikeTalk behind you, you will get through this.
You kinda remind me of myself. I liked the Niners since I was a little kid, but then the Ravens came to town. I'm still a fan of both to this day. Samewith the Knicks/Wizards. I was a Knicks fan since I was a little kid (mostly due to my father who lived in NY for 30 years when he first came to the U.S.), butthen I began watching the Bullets/Wizards (hometown team). I'm a fan of both to this day as well. I've tried to pick one before but I always come backto cheering both of them on.
i dont know what i would do. its a moot point, but if Indiana were to get an expansion MLB team, i would still stick with the BoSox, but im older than you werewhen the Panthers came along, so its tough
I havent been in that kind of situation ever before, but I see where your coming from. Everybody wants a championship at home. No doubt about that. But to wanta team you grew up loving win it too? Nothing wrong with that either.
real men dont question they do.

u think bc im a jets fan i can root for the giants? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO IT DOESNT WORK LIKE THAT GET YOUR ACT TOGETRHEREWwkq!g!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111
Originally Posted by acidicality

there shouldn't be a problem rooting for two teams, but u should have one above the other..but iono it doesnt matter really. i'm a Raider fan but i like the 49ers too, but i'd take the raiders over the niners anyday
i cant consider anyone who is a fan of a player before a team...for example all you Philly fans who turned into Nugs fans, that means you. Cowboys fans whohavent even been to Texas and people who are fans of multiple teams that is bush league. Your a fan of the teams in the city that you were born in, all thismixing and matching teams, is lame as hell. College is a little different, i go to school in Mississippi (mainly because i couldnt get into LSU), but i wasraised a LSU fan.
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