Y'all Ever Have Any Weird Dreams that You can Remember?

Oct 8, 2002
Saturday night, idk why, but I started watching a youtube video about the Horror Movie Iceberg. I had a dream it was me and a few other people walking around a hole in the ground. All I remember was thinking I didn't want to get to close to the hole, because something was going to grab me, drag me down and torture me AGAIN. That was the creepy part. The fact that, apparently, I had been through it once before. I woke up at 4 am, I tried go back to sleep but as I dozed off I kinda knew I was going to go back to that dream, so I started watching Tony Baker clips. :lol:

I had a dream once where I was standing at the bus stop, the bus pulls up, the bus driver opens the door and just starts telling me how bad of a person. Like really leaning in. I remember being taken aback and realizing this has to be a dream. The moment I that realization, the bus driver slammed the door close and drove off.

I used to have this reoccurring dream I was in the giant house and I found a secret passage way that would take me to kinda weird and creepy place. The best way I can describe it would be like Dracula's Castle in Castelvania SotN. It would take to me rooms that didn't make sense. I remember coming out to a movie theater that had people in, but it was still kinda creepy and interesting at the same time. Every time I had the dream, I would go a little further deeper in to the secret part of the house. One time I went a little too far and found some straight up scary stuff. I dont remember exactly what it was, but I remember having a dream about that house a couple more times, walking by the secret passage and thinking. "Nope."
I used to always have this one dream where I’d be riding in the backseat of a car but there was no driver
One day I realized that’s how I felt about my life
The only ones I can ever recall are dreams that basically troll me. On very rare occasions I'll wake up with false memories of my alarm going off etc, so I get out of my bed to get ready, only to then find out that it's like 3am. Hasn't happened in a long time thankfully but I used to have that somewhat frequently and it always pissed me off :lol:
Mine this morning was crazy and felt real.

Me: Dressed very formal in a casino that was relatively empty, 5:30 am-ish. I’m chillin’ in a small lounge area when I see 4+ masked men with AK-47’s walking towards the glass entrance doors. My *** books it back into the lounge and hides under a couch that had an empty space covered by a some type of table cloth. Anyway, I hear shots ring out and people screaming. I didn’t dare peek but somehow could see what was going on. They disfigured one man’s whole body and then shot random people as they left.

Then I woke up to pee. I was standing there like “what was that about?” 🧐😴
Its a mixed bag for me. Some of them, Ill kinda lose as I wake up and some of them just stick. I will have vivid dream, especially if I take a break smoking. Once in HS I dreamt a cartoon and woke up laughing. :lol:
Its a mixed bag for me. Some of them, Ill kinda lose as I wake up and some of them just stick. I will have vivid dream, especially if I take a break smoking. Once in HS I dreamt a cartoon and woke up laughing. :lol:
Those are the ones people ask you about if they happen to hear you. They’re either creeped out or genuinely interested :lol:
I have weird dreams every night. I used to keep a journal but then started dreaming about waking up and writing in the journal and once that inception **** started happening I had to stop. Now I'm back to forgetting them when I wake up unless they're particularly intense.
When I was younger

Dark room with blue brick walls , there was a giant hand that grabbed me by the shirt and threw me against the walls constantly , didnt feel anything but it felt good, in a way.
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