XBOX 360 help

Oct 23, 2008
So basically, my best friend's brother is an idiot and destroyed my boy's 360, because he discovered the red rings. I sleep there like 4 times a weekbecause of Summer vacation and I'm always playing it, so I feel obligated to replace it.

How much should I expect to pay, and where to buy?
Use the towel trick then give it back to your boy
I'm not buying him a brand new one, eff that. If I was a betting man, I'd probably say I broke it too, but my friend's bro is a lunatic. He saw therings and took a driver to it, RIP.

He didn't give me a legit chance to fix it.
I need to replace the xbox, because that fool is being all messed up to the rest of my boys. My friend's house is like the kick it spot and none of us cango over until there's another xbox. I'm not taking the blame, but spending ~$150 isn't a big deal to me, because we're tight like that andI'm heading back to school real soon, so it's only right.
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