Wrestling Thread Feb 23 - Mar 1 | 2/24 ECW - Christian Challenges Swagger for the ECW Title

Oct 15, 2000


Coming off of last week's Raw, we finally got on the Road to WrestleMania. The top matches seem to be set:
-HHH (c) vs Randy Orton
-Shawn Michaels vs The Undertaker
-Edge (c) vs John Cena
-Jeff Hardy vs Matt Hardy

It's funny that the two non-title matches are much more intriguing than the title matches. I think that HHH vs Cena and Edge vs Orton (ok, those probablywouldn't have happened) or HHH vs Edge and Cena vs Orton would have been more compelling matches. Edge vs Cena has no interest for me. HHH vs Orton is alittle more interesting, but as was laid out in last week's post, these two have wrestled many times over the years (or should I say HHH has buried Ortonover the years). They brought the twist into the match that they have finally acknowledged HHH's marriage to Steph. I don't know how much fans willcare about this since everyone already knew it. Sure, the storyline sets up that HHH is out for revenge from Orton's attacks on Steph, Shane, and Vince. But since when does HHH stick up for the McMahon's? If my longterm memory serves me correctly (and I know the WWE hopes it doesn't), HHH completelydestroyed Vince, Shane, and The Spirit Squad just two years ago. So why would he help them now? Well, the WWE doesn't need to give us a reason. He justwill. HHH looked like he was going to have a stroke last week when he came to the rescue of Steph. Seriously, I hate you and all, but lay off the roidsbefore you drop dead in the center of the ring.

Tonight we have Shawn Michaels vs JBL for the right to face The Undertaker at WrestleMania. However, the Russian monster Kozlov has been thrown into the mix. I really don't know who this guy has naked pictures of, but it is absolutely ridiculous that this guy is still involved in major WWE programs. He wasatrocious in the Smackdown Elimination Chamber (and every other match he's been in). But then he goes an gets a clean win over The Undertaker. I justdon't get it. So help me God if they turn HBK vs The Undertaker into a three way involving Kozlov. Kozlov is supposedly at the arena tonight, so I cansee him jumping HBK after the match.

CM Punk vs The Miz vs Morrison for a spot in the Money in the Bank match at WrestleMania. How the hell are you going to put three of your most athleticwrestlers in the same match and only let one advance. Maybe The Big Show and Kane will end up in the MITB match afterall. Ugh.

Hopefully they get something in line for Priceless. Since it seems that it will be Miz/Morrison vs The Colons to unify the tag titles, I don't know whatrole Priceless plays other than as Orton's entourage.

After getting robbed last year, we'll see if Mickey Rourke has a change of heart about appearing in the WWE. His last statement was that he would not beattending WrestleMania in any form. However, the WWE is still pressing hard for him to be there. Of course, the WWE wants Jericho vs Rourke, which I'msure Jericho will cut a promo about tonight bashing Rourke's performance and not winning the Oscar, but I would say it is most likely that Rourke is in thecorner of whatever legend Jericho ends up facing.
Before I do News & Notes...here's another great article by Paul Heyman regarding WWE's heels, in particular Edge and Randy Orton.

WWE has a chance to do something special at Wrestlemania, but I doubt it'll happen.

Orton's got the Edge in WWE


[h2]WORLD WRESTLING ENTERTAINMENT has entered a new golden age.[/h2]
Never before has Vince McMahon and company been able to feature such compelling villains as WWE is able to present today.

Just look at JBL, for example. John Bradshaw Layfield's performances in his storyline with Shawn Michaels were nothing short of stellar.

It's a very fine line to walk when a bully-heel is charged with punking out a babyface on a consistent basis, all in the name of enticing the audience to want, need, and even crave that babyface to explode and get retribution...only to dangle that carrot in front of the audience week after week after week after week. But JBL walked that line brilliantly. It's a much harder task for JBL than during his feud with Eddie Guerrero, because all JBL had to do back then was yell and scream about Guerrero, then viciously beat on Guerrero, and the audience would be clamoring for Eddie to get revenge. It's a lot different now. JBL's character is far more subtle, and while many will say 'Shawn Michaels can make anyone look good', even HBK will admit JBL presented a truly despicable character on television each week on Raw for the viewers to enjoy hating.

Then there's Chris Jericho. Talk about a total transformation. The riot-causing superstar, formerly known as Y2J, addressed every characteristic that made him popular, and stripped those traits away from himself. You liked the charismatic delivery of his interviews? He went monotone and simply delivered his lines coldly. You liked the cool catchphrases? They're gone, too. You liked the high-powered music entrance, with the cool pose and rock star turnaround? Gone as well!

All that's left is an articulate villain who delivers his lines with little emotion but lots of conviction. Jericho's contempt for all those who dare to oppose him is a 180 degree turn from the fun-loving Ayatollah of Rock 'n' Rolla whose fan base had few peers in terms of numbers and volume.

While everyone is rightfully praising Roddy Piper's tremendous interview on Monday Night Raw, many are missing the point that one of the key reasons that promo was so effective is because it was delivered to Jericho, in his face, with his character being subjected to such a lecture.

But no two performers have clearly demonstrated the art of heeldom more so than Randy Orton and Edge. Just watch this past Monday's edition of Raw to see the best two heels of the new age showcase their awesome skills.

Adam "Edge" Copeland is the most entertaining heel I've seen in years. He's over the top, knows how to play the fool when necessary, and is so full of himself that you just want to see someone knock him on his @*+.


From his devotion to Vickie Guerrero to his strength in the face of weakness - but fear in the face of adversity - Copeland plays it perfectly. He speaks, rants, raves, throws tantrums, and delivers his lines with such range that you never know where he's going next, but you're always interested in going along for the ride.

Copeland understands how to keep the Edge character fresh but not cool, entertaining but not humorous, and irresistible but not likeable. Just the way he hit the line 'the champ is...here!' in Cena's face was such a great moment, one that so many would be talking about if it wasn't for the fact Raw concluded with the big moment that will be played over and over again to promote the main event of Wrestlemania.

And that moment, which featured Shane McMahon getting punted, Stephanie McMahon getting RKO'd, and HHH - by his actions alone - going public with his marriage into the McMahon Family was made oh-so-much-more memorable because of the performance delivered by the most compelling character to come along in years.

As much as Edge has perfected the art of the wrestling heel, Randy Orton is by far the most riveting character WWE has ever presented.

Orton's character is so far from the "laughing at his own actions, bragging about his villainous conquests, reveling in his own heeldom" type of character as I've ever seen.

He has done what very few others have been able to do. He's broken new ground. He's given us a different perspective. The Orton character is driven by his demons, but shocked by his own actions. It's Bruce Banner begging you not to tap into the rage that produces The Incredible Hulk, only deep down you know he wants that adrenal rush. He needs that power to conquer his adversaries. He likes the success and attention brought to him by the explosive nature of his actions.

And yet...and this is where Orton excels in his presentation...he is deeply afraid of the ramifications of his actions, be it suspension, termination, or getting his due when the babyface extracts revenge...this time, in the main event of Wrestlemania.

So, who's the better heel?

Well, Copeland is great at what he does. While many heels are so likeable the audience ends up embracing them, Copeland understands how to keep Edge hated, whether it's in his words, his antics during a match, or his sexual displays with Vickie Guerrero. Copeland is just a blast, and there's no one better at it.

But from my perspective, Orton is the head of the class. His in-ring ability is great and only getting better. His promos are different than everyone else's, and have improved in the past few months to the point where he's at the top of the list, and is still demonstrating marked improvement every week.

Now here's the scary part...he's not even 30 years old yet! Imagine how good he'll be in a few years. HHH, Shawn Michaels,and Undertaker have all past the magic number 40.

They're at the top of the heap because of the years they've been featured, the ability to adapt to new times, and the sheer number of television hours and marketing dollars invested in them. What's the WWE universe going to look like when Orton has that tenure?

We've entered the Golden Age of Heels, and while this golden age features some very diverse performers playing even more diverse characters, Randy Orton has punted his competition right in the head. He's got the Edge.
I was flipping through channels last Monday night and caught the end of RAW and was
@ Trips, dude was seething with anger, I thought hishead was going to pop off his neck.
News & Notes

In case you missed it...

Vince extremely negative on Christian backstage.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]SmackDown writer Michael Hayes originally came up with the idea of Christian Cage doing all the sneak attacks on Jeff Hardy to be revealed at the Royal Rumble. As time went on and people figured that Christian was behind it, and/or Hayes realized how Vince felt about Christian, he approached Vince with the idea of giving the role to Matt Hardy. Hayes sold the idea on the fact that Matt vs. Jeff would be a bigger surprise and bigger draw than Jeff vs. Christian, and Vince agreed with him.

John Laurinaitis had been pushing to do something with Christian sooner, rather than have him sit and wait until April. While all the talk about his return was going on, Vince started to sour on Christian. Back in 2005, whenever ideas were brought up for Christian, Vince always nixed them and only saw Cage as an upper midcarder. Vince even said in meetings that Christian had no star aura about him and that his head shot promotional photo was one of the worse he had ever seen.

RAW writer Brian Gewirtz asked about bringing him to RAW after Matt got the spot on SmackDown, but there was concern he would end up like D-Lo Brown - just hired and forgot about without getting a chance. They came up with the idea to give him a new feud with someone Vince is high on, that being Jack Swagger. They felt the longer they didn't get him on TV, the more likely he'd end up never to get going and this was the best thing they had for him. The original idea for the ECW show had the same opener with the two but several segments were planned that showed Christian meeting the talent on the brand and putting him over like it was a big thing he was there.

The actual match was booked to be a short sprint for him to shine some more, ending with Swagger getting counted out or some crazy no contest. Vince ended up changing the show to what it ended up being. It was seen internally as Vince having no vision of Christian as a star.

WWE releases Manu.

WWE just announced that they have released Raw Superstar Manu. Below is the official statement from the official WWE website:

Manu released
Written: February 23, 2009

World Wrestling Entertainment has come to terms on the release of Raw Superstar Manu as of February 23, 2009. WWE wishes Manu the best in all future endeavors.

Latest on Stone Cold Steve Austin and Wrestlemania plans.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]There has been some speculation regarding "Stone Cold" Steve Austin wrestling at WrestleMania 25, but it seems highly unlikely at this point. However, he will definitely have a role at the event WrestleMania 25 - and not just when they introduce the Hall of Famers.

The buzz backstage is that Austin will be the special guest referee for the WWE Championship Match between Triple H and Randy Orton.

Latest update on Hulk Hogan's possible Wrestlemania match and his talk with Vince McMahon over the weekend.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]-- To update on report from last night regarding a Hulk Hogan appearance at Wrestlemania 25, Bubba the Love Sponge was asked about a possible appearance by the Hulkster at Wrestlemania. A caller asked if Hogan would be at WrestleMania 25 since all the WrestleMania moment clips have seem to feature him. Bubba said he knew why WWE was doing that, but he couldn't comment. Bubba is one of Hogan's best friends.

There has definitely been some back-and-forth between Hogan and the company about the wrestling legend doing the match. If Hogan doesn't go through with the match, Cena will simply face Edge for the World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania. But if Hogan ends up going through with the match, Edge will square off against Big Show as they already have a program in place.

-[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Hulk Hogan appeared on good friend Bubba the Love Sponge's radio show this morning to discuss rumors of a possible appearance at WrestleMania 25. Hogan said he spoke to Vince McMahon this past Sunday.

It would appear that the two discussed plans of an appearance at WrestleMania as Hogan said he was willing to donate his payoff for the event to the family of John Graziano. However, Hogan said they were unable to agree on a specific scenario for him at the event, but McMahon is open to doing something with him in the future.

Last week's RAW draws highest rating in OVER A YEAR.

According to data compiled by Nielson Media Research, last week's edition of WWE Monday Night Raw drew a 4.1 cable rating. This is the highest number the show has drawn in well over a year. The first hour drew a 3.9 while the second did a 4.4. Upper WWE management is said to be very pleased with the number.

How the opponent for Undertaker at Wrestlemania storyline is supposed to play out.

Spoiler [+]
WWE continues to build Vladimir Kozlov up on SmackDown as he went over The Undertaker clean in a match that will air on next week's edition of SmackDown. We're told the current plan is to make Kozlov's undefeated streak in singles competition meaningful only to have it ended on SmackDown by Shawn Michaels before he goes on to WrestleMania to face The Undertaker.

Update on rumored participants for the Money In The Bank ladder match.

As I mentioned before, I was given another list of names for the Money in the Bank Ladder Match at WrestleMania 25. Apparently the names have to do with issues regarding the tag titles in WWE as well as the ECW Championship. If John Morrison & The Miz are not broken up and WWE opts to unify the tag belts at WrestleMania, they will obviously not be involved in the Money in the Bank Ladder Match. There is also talk Christian could be on the card either competing for or defending the ECW Championship. If that happens, obviously he will not be in the Money in the Bank ladder match. With that being said, below is the second list of names I was given:

Evan Bourne, Kofi Kingston, CM Punk, Shelton Benjamin, MVP, Rey Mysterio and Brian Kendrick.

Here is the other list of workers we were given: CM Punk, Evan Bourne, Rey Mysterio, The Miz, John Morrison, and Christian.

Neither list is a final list and plans are always subject to change but this should give you an idea of who WWE is looking at for the Money in the Bank Ladder Match at WrestleMania 25.

WWE reaches out to Trish Stratus for match at Wrestlemania.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]After plenty of speculation, it's been confirmed that WWE officials have recently reached out to seven-time WWE Women's Champion Trish Stratus about returning for one more match at WrestleMania 25.
[/font] [font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
-- Although the most obvious choice for Trish's opponent at WM 25 would be Beth Phoenix, for some reason WWE is pushing for Trish to work with Michelle McCool.

Freddy Prinze Jr. gone from the WWE.

Freddie Prinze, Jr. is no longer part of the WWE creative team. The loss is not being looked at as a big deal as he did not contribute much although he was widely accepted by the workers and other creative team members.

Prinze, who worked under Michael Hayes on SmackDown, was hired by WWE back in July.

Hogan says he was up for lead role in The Wrestler.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, Hulk Hogan reveals that he, not Mickey Rourke or Nicholas Cage, was originally asked to play the lead character in The Wrestler. Hogan says he was sent the script and considered for the part of Randy "The Ram" Robinson.

When talking about blading, Hogan said there are wrestlers who blade 25 to 30 times per week. He also said he has friends who do staple gun matches similar to the one in The Wrestler 300 nights per year.

Chris Benoit ban lifted in the WWE?

- "Chris Benoit celebrates his World Championship win with Eddie Guerrero as confetti fills Madison Square Garden - WrestleMania XX" is featured as one of the Top 50 Moments in WrestleMania History on the official WWE website. You can check it out at this link. It certainly appears as if WWE has significantly backed off of their Chris Benoit ban from history.

Miz and Morrison to be broken up?

- There is talk about possibly breaking up The Miz and John Morrison. We're told some people in the company feel their tag team has has been played out and they might benefit more from singles pushes. Both Miz and Morrison remain very over with the WWE office.

Update on Tag Titles possibly being unified.

Spoiler [+]
- While it did not happen at last night's taping, the feud with Carlito & Primo vs. John Morrison & The Miz is expected to end with the WWE World Tag Team Championship and WWE Tag Team Championship being unified. During the taping for next week's edition of SmackDown, the WWE Tag Team Championship (which is held by Carlito & Primo) was on the line in a match between the two teams and it was retained. As we reported several weeks ago, the plan at one point was for the tag belts to be unified and based out of ECW.

Backstage reaction to TNA dropping Petey Williams.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Technically, the wrestlers who recently left TNA were not released. TNA doesn't believe in releasing wrestlers when they still have dates remaining on their contracts. Rather, their deals were just not renewed.

The Petey Williams decision took just about everyone by surprise because he'd been with the company so long. He was also considered a good hand who didn't rock the boat and accepted whatever they gave him creatively. However, creative apparently determined that they didn't have anything for him and the decision was made to move on.

"Why they wouldn't bend over backwards to sign a guy who doesn't do drugs or drink, looks like he does while being able to pass a drug test, and works hard and never !%$!#+! I'll never know, but I guess it's just the way things were meant to be," remarked inside source.

The company never made a formal offer to Williams, so this was not a case of him demanding too much money or even the company low-balling him. His deal wasn't set to expire until March, but he finished with the company at the last set of television tapings. He reportedly shaved his head and goatee a short time after he worked his last match to abandon the Scott Steiner look.

More than one person has stated that Williams was vulnerable because he wasn't tight with Jeff Jarrett. Although they weren't enemies, Williams wasn't the type to hang out at Jarrett's table at the hotel bar and suck up to him like some of the hanger-ons.

Elijah Burke interview; speaks on TNA, RVD and WWE release.

The following is an excerpt from an interview recap with Elijah Burke:

"In Your Head Online Radio's interview with Elijah Burke. Hosted by Jack E. Jones and Oneinchbiceps ! To hear the full interview head on over to www.InYourHeadOnline.com

Burke says "I cried like a little baby." when asked about his Wrestlemania appearance. He says that there are plenty of wrestlers who had competed much longer than him, and didn't compete at WrestleMania. Burke says that Undertaker actually saw him and pulled him towards him to let it all out.

Burke says that he is NWA through and through. Starrcade was the reason why he got involved in wrestling. He was a huge Dusty Rhodes fan.

Burke puts over Rob Van Dam as a "big part in what I got" regarding a push. If he where to write a book, he would have to RVD a chapter or damn near close to one. Burke puts RVD over a "great guy".

Burke says that TNA is "definitely an option".

Burke mentions how that his last match with WWE was on June 6th, 2008 up until his release in November. He did nothing throughout that time. Burke says the release was a relief, so that he can go out and work now!

Burke puts over Paul Heyman over as a great booker. Burke says that Heyman is a "mastermind".

Burke says he is not a fan of the movie "the Wrestler." Whenever he hears Mickey Rourke's name he thinks of Jerry Lynn.

Elijah Burke goes on a very good rant on the Wrestler that needs to be heard. He even throws in a Braden Walker insult!
I see Punk winning the triple threat and Mizzorison at WM in a tag team title unification match.
Question: Why even sign Christian?

He should've just stayed in TNA, Or at least made sure he was going to be a priority before signing to the E.

Originally Posted by MFr3shM

Excuse Me!!! i like when Vickie does that

I love it when she says that.

First time I've laughed at a Cena promo "Vintage Michael Cole"
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