WPGC Fans, What happened to Chris Paul??

Jul 7, 2005
I just realized that I haven't heard Chris Paul on Donnie Simpson's show in the morning lately and waned to know if he left WPGC and why? I also seethat WPGC is having some sort of hosting contest so I guess this is there way of replacing him. Anybody know the circumstance behind his departure?? At leastnow we won't have to hear anymore of those crappy ******** songs, so at least something good comes out of this
I was about to make a crack at his ******** songs...

But that's what's expected...


PS... whatever happened to that 'big lip bandit' guy? I heard he was a pedo or something...
Chris Paul ******* songs were the %#% back in the day

haha Zulu the big lip bandit use to have me rollin wit his night rhymes and %#%
Zulu is on the radio here in richmond...he bounced from dc after that incident with game a few years ago...
Heat hit us with the copy and pasted joint form the WPGC Company-wide email. lol.

That rhyme game was aight that Zulu used to have.
chris paul was very talented he wrote all of huggie lowdowns jokes, the ******** songs, pretty much anything funny on the donnie simpson show he did it. Iheard a rumor that PGC is planning on changing their format and becoming like Hot 99.5 and play pop music idk if its true or not but their is a wiki page to itI believe
imo, the donnie simpson show won't be the same w/ out cp. he was the one who actually made the show funny. well, him and the celebrity court judge.
Yeah.. they are going to try to find the next side kick via signing up thru Popeyes?

Yeah.. thats great.
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