Would you struggle on $350,000 a year?

Nov 20, 2003
Schiff, 46, is facing another kind of jam this year: Paid alower bonus, he said the $350,000 he earns, enough to put him inthe country's top 1 percent by income, doesn't cover hisfamily's private-school tuition, a Kent, Connecticut, summerrental and the upgrade they would like from their 1,200-square-foot Brooklyn duplex.

"I feel stuck," Schiff said. "The New York that I wantedto have is still just beyond my reach."

Scheiner said he spends about $500 a month to park one ofhis two Audis in a garage and at least $7,500 a year each formemberships at the Trump National Golf Club in Westchester and agun club in upstate New York. A labradoodle named Zelda and arescued bichon frise, Duke, cost $17,000 a year, including food,health care, boarding and a daily dog-walker who charges $17each per outing, he said.

Yeah... no comment.
Some people hate Chris brown....... I despise people like this ala Paris Hilton, Kim K
350 a year? I'd be living extremely comfortable.

Would cop a nice apartment. Crazy whip. Vacations. Women.

I have no wife, no kids, no expenses other than my car insurance and phone bill at the moment.

Originally Posted by 51and3rd

Some people hate Chris brown....... I despise people like this ala Paris Hilton, Kim K

This thread has nothing to do with Chris Brown
This should be a lesson to MANY on NT, that spending beyond your means isn't strictly attributed to the poor. There are people in EVERY tax bracket that struggle with making good decisions w. their finances.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

This should be a lesson to MANY on NT, that spending beyond your means isn't strictly attributed to the poor. There are people in EVERY tax bracket that struggle with making good decisions w. their finances.
yup...its not how much you make its how much you can save. 
The only thing I see wrong with his situation is he was living above and beyond his normal salary. It is me or are bonus' suppose to be extra and not something you know you are going to get?
clearly living a delusional la la fantasy dream , he way past American dream 

350 after taxes what 200?

that article is some incredible humble brag 

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Originally Posted by RedMan

The only thing I see wrong with his situation is he was living above and beyond his normal salary. It is me or are bonus' suppose to be extra and not something you know you are going to get?
That's all you see wrong with this?
I hate snobby people.

It's disgusting. I hope he catches a lot of flack from other people over his pathetic snobbish attitude.
350k a year no I wouldn't struggle. This guy obviously want more than he can afford. Get rid of the summer rental for starters before you pull your kids out of private school. You don't need that if your struggling..
as already stated, people is living way beyond his means.

over the top, extravagant stuff is killing these folks pockets.
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Originally Posted by NooEra

Originally Posted by 51and3rd

Some people hate Chris brown....... I despise people like this ala Paris Hilton, Kim K

This thread has nothing to do with Chris Brown

the slurpage is unreal

Lol It wasn't really about him just a lil spin off the thread. I don't care about dude lol. But I hate people like this guy.
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