worse first day sneaker moment: gum or poop?

Dec 5, 2001
Wore a pair of new kicks this past week and stepped on a fresh piece of gum on a hot day.  Immediately mad my shoes beaters now.
So what's a worse first day sneaker moment, stepping on gum or poop?
So wait, you wore a pair out for the first time, stepped in gum and they're beaters now?.....Ok then 
should got the sole protectors to keep it extra icyy naww meannn
someone please tell me when stepping in poop is better than stepping in gum.
Since your shoes are worthless now , give em to me.
I'm just kidding like Jason
Spoiler [+]
Unless yo gon' do it
you will turn so many less heads of dudes with gum on the bottom of your fresh kicks
Having a super skinny, half blind kid step on my kicks...and his shoes were pretty muddy.
I would say hands down poop is the worse..

Hosing down the sole.. using a twig, pen cap etc to get between the herringbone, lingering smell

..But hot gum is no joke either
naw worse is when they separate on the first wear and you paid 550 for them the day before
Some dude on another forum wore fresh columbia XIs and dropped mustard right on the upper part
I'd be heated lol
I've had both happen to me....nothing worse then pulling out some freshness to hit the bus stop and get a whiff of something non-kosher....
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