Wolf Grey 5 Price/ Legit Check

Mar 7, 2014
Going to buy these for $130. Is this a good price for these or what should i ask him to drop the price to? Also are they legit and a good buy?
They're legit but $130 is a reach in my opinion. The soles are completely yellow, and there is definitely quite a bit of wear on em. But these are nice I'd say 100-115 would be a fair price for these.
Not sure if they're legit.  The shark teeth on the midsole bother me....  It seems like they're off and they look too sharp.  But other than that, the stitching is good and the shapes of the shoes look good.  If they are legit, I don't $130 is a good price for them.  There's a lot of yellowing and wear on the shoe.  I'd try to talk the seller down to around the $100 range.
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