Wisdom Teeth Removal

Jan 20, 2002
Is removing your wisdom teeth necessary? I'm already 24 and haven't gotten them removed yet, but i feel one popping out now.

For those who have done it, how much would it cost if I had to pay out of pocket? How long is the procedure? Thanks!
sometimes it is, yes.

i had mine removed because I'll be serving a mission soon and i can't have them become a problem while i'm out there. the procedure took an hour Ithink...I was put under so I'm not sure lol

have your dentist check it out...he's a professional and will let you know
it may or may not be necessary...it just depends

the price will vary depending on whether they're simple extractions or not

procedure isn't that long
well i dont know if it's necessary unless you have problems with them.
I had two taken out at the same time it took all of 45mins and that's with the dentist
taking a xray,shooting the novicaine around the area, letting it kick in,and then pulling
them out and one was stubborn so that one took a lil bit of muscle. After was not the most
comfortable of course you numb for about 2hrs and my jaw was real sore but after about 4-5 days
of poppin painkillers you be cool.

I got bluecross and even with my insurance i had to pay 50 a tooth
I'm getting mine out next week. I'm getting IV sedation and even with insurance I will be paying alot myself. But if you think you need them removedits best to get it done as soon as possible cuz the longer you wait the harder it is to get them outl.
some people never get them. my parents never had them-- so removal was unnecessary for them

out of pocket my guesstimate would be around the 200 per tooth.. also depends on the trauma work-up, the IV, how impacted the teeth are

took me 1.5 hours to get 4 impacted teeth out. cost ~250 for 4 teeth with blueshield.

numbing subsides after 3 hours or so. can't really open your mouth for about week.

schedule 2 vicodin.. bliss.
my top 2 are comming in, last time i was at the dentist she told me i needed to get them taken out soon. I dont know i would if they dont bother me.
My bottom two are coming in and its starting to make my bottom teeth crooked,
Whether it's necessary or not will depend on your particular situation. It's not necessary for everyone, but it is recommended for most people.

I got all four of mine out last year, and it ended up costing about $1800 for everything.
oh man just got mine taken out 2 weeks ago it wasnt bad but you have to eat more when youre on the meds (ask for the liquid hydrocodone
) otherwise you getshaky and cant concentrate! I had to get mine removed I didnt have room in my mouth for them and they were coming in crooked. You're dentist will let youknow if you need them removed and refer you to an oral surgeon.
I had all 4 of mine pulled out jut 2 weeks ago. It was an oral procedure where they had to put me to sleep through an IV and 45 min to an hr later, it was allover. I didn't feel a thing and totally forgot about what happened afterwards. I didn't really have any pains a few days after because I was on somemedication, but other than that it wasn't as bad as I expected.
dude nevermind the pay..think about the pain brah...it's gonna hurt you more than its gonna hurt your wallet..trust..
Just have an X-ray. My top two were pulled out and the bottom ones had to be cut out one was growing sideways. I just went to an oral surgeon went under withan IV first two days are pretty rough then it just takes some getting used to with huge holes in your mouth. It can be expensive mine was $800 out of pocketafter insurance covered the most part. It is well worth it, the roots can grow into your sinus cavity on some occasions if they are not removed in time.
sometimes it is, sometimes its not. for me, they had to split my teeth in half then pull it out piece by piece. as for cost...all 4 is around the 1200-1300area. good luck man!
for me i had them pulled a few years ago. mine had already come in so they were just simple extractions. i got the IV just cuz and i woke up cool and wasnt inmuch pain. i didnt even have to use any meds. i do have a high pain tolerance though. haha.
Mine is starting to grow and form, I can see it but I'm too scared. I always ask my parents, will it hurt? They always say it's really quick... Eventhough I know it will be painful as hell, just hearing my parents say it would be quick calms me down.... But once I'm on that chair.... I always think Iam about to pass out..
if it doesnt bother you that means there room for it to grow out... now if it does then remove it because if you dont it will cause crowding and just jack upyour grill...
I think you only have to remove your wisdom teeth if they cause you problems. I had to remove my wisdom teeth because they were impacted and were pushing therest of my teeth towards the front of my mouth. Now I need to get braces to straighten out my teeth.
i just had all 4 of mine out, i had to get em out cause i need to see an orthodontist, thanks to my insurance i only paid around 350, but i think out of pocketit would have been around 1000 or so
Damn. Ya'll payin too much. Mine cost $140 for all four. Of course, I didn't get the IV sedation but I was completely fine. I had the nitrous oxide gasand local anesthetic but I was high for a while. Didn't feel a thing during the operation and I had no swelling, no pain, and bleeding stopped in less than24 hours. This was a week ago and I was eating steak a day and a half after the operation.
growing out has nothing to do if you need them removed or not. its all about the xray photos and what they show. or even if they arent even exposed yet, theyjust may be growing in sideways.
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