Wisdom teeth removal...what do I need to know?

Gill Baka Esq. LLC.

formerly grimlock
Sep 28, 2008
I'm on the cusp of calling an oral surgeon to take out my 4 wisdom teeth at the behest of my regular dentist.  Thangs is growing in horizontally...not really hurting but I know they need to come out.

What do I need to know...

should I take 1,2,or 4 out
how long is recovery time usually?
how bad is the down time?
will my jaw alignment be out of wack because of this? (might be urban legend)
what's the food situation looking like after removal?

any tips and advice is appreciated.
General Anesthesia...and you're good.

*Stay away from rice for a while...the worst is when you get a grain stuck in the empty socket
Don't drink anything from a straw while the stitches are in. I made the mistake of getting a smoothie, and the suction from the straw pulled out some of the stitches.
It really didn't hurt for me at all. I woke up in the afternoon and was able to drive (probably not allowed) and do everything normal. I didn't take any pain medication and ate milk shakes just because I didn't want to get anything in there
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

General Anesthesia...and you're good.

*Stay away from rice for a while...the worst is when you get a grain stuck in the empty socket
WORD. It's mad annoying trying to get a little grain of rice or anything else out of there.

Follow the post-op instructions. You don't want to mess around and get dry socket.
Honestly the pain isn't that bad, some people really exaggerate. The day of and the day after are probably the most uncomfortable but after that it's not so bad
Stock up on soft foods, jello, yogurt, soup, etc. After maybe a week you might be able to eat some solid foods, but don't go crazy.
After two weeks you'll definitely be ok, although it takes about a month for the empty sockets to heal. 
should I take 1,2,or 4 out - Take all 4 out cause you might have to take out the other 2 later. Better do it all at once.

how long is recovery time usually? - I did mine on a Friday and was good by Monday. I cheeks did swell like crazy though.

how bad is the down time? - No down time. I mean if you like to eat all damn day, then it might mess that up but you are able to do everything else.

will my jaw alignment be out of wack because of this? (might be urban legend) - Nope. This is to help it if any.

what's the food situation looking like after removal? - You just have to eat soft foods. I mean you don't have to do a liquid diet but you don't want to mess your gums up as well.
op get em all done at once. 

was awake for the whole procedure, what i thought took ten minutes apparently took an 45min - 1hour

when the doc leaned me up form the chair and my old man walked in my old man told me i was like "god im so %#+$$# up right now"

left, didnt even make it fully in my bed before i feel asleep half on and half off

pain after wasnt bad at all

just keep them meds steadily flowing 
how do you know when to take them out?
im turning 19 in january and i dont know if they have come in yet?

**dont mean to highjack**
Originally Posted by odog24

how do you know when to take them out?
im turning 19 in january and i dont know if they have come in yet?

**dont mean to highjack**
See your dentist.
Most times you get them taken out before they come in.
Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Only thing you need to know is my address so you can send me your meds.

YO! I was gonna put this too! 

Seriously though, pull all 4 at once if your dentist recommends taking all of them out. I had straight teeth until my wisdoms starting to come out. Had them pull all 4 at once and now I'm good. And the meds are your best friend after. Good luck!
I would say if you can afford it or your insurance can cover it, get sedation to knock you out and get all 4 removed.

I did that in the summer and was in pain for about a day.

I just feels weird for the first week or so but you will get used to it.

And don't eat small things like as mentioned before such as rice, cereal. It's the worst when food gets stuck there.
i had 3 removed simultaneously. it was insane. one of them didn't come out easily and the dentist had to drill extra hard. my mouth smelled like it was on fire.  i didn't take the medicine immediately after i left the dentist office. huuuuuuuuuuge mistake. i've never felt pain like that before. my head felt like it was exploding and i could barely sit or lay down. every 10 minutes i had to spit out huge chunks of blood and gum tissue. i had no idea i could lose that much blood and live.  
I went with my homegirl to have all four of hers pulled out yesterday. NEVER AGAIN. She was crying, falling asleep, spitting up blood, throwing up, it was all bad smdh. It took forever for her to get to the point where I could escort her home.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by odog24

how do you know when to take them out?
im turning 19 in january and i dont know if they have come in yet?

**dont mean to highjack**
See your dentist.
Most times you get them taken out before they come in.

I dont even have a dentist havent been there in like 3 or 4 years..ill go see one and see whats upThanks
As others have said, stay away from rice similar food (cereal, granola bars, pretty self-explainatory).  Also make sure you follow the directions for your recovery to minimize the chance of infection.  My brother's got infected and he ended up in the hospital for a few weeks very sick.
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