WIki-surfing FTW! Or is it just me?

Mar 13, 2008
Does anybody else besides me tend to surf the wiki links for hours on end? You know, you start at one topic and end up tab-browsing all the interesting linksyou come across until all of a sudden it's 3 hours later and you're full of useless trivia. If you can relate, I could use a launch point cuz I got 2.5hours to burn in this library while I wait on my lady to get off work. Just give me something good to look up that I would never think about. I just spent 20minute reading about heterochromic eyes if anyone cares
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

I just spent 20 minute reading about heterochromic eyes if anyone cares
I don't. But anyway, I'm always surfing that website.

ME neither
... it started with Wonder Showzen...led to Xavier: renegade Angel.. and in the description of Xavier, they said he had heterochromic eyes.there you have it.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Hit random article and try to get to Hitler in 7 topics or less. Go ahead, try it.
Random article: Sal Torres
1. Democratic Party
2. Republican party
4. WWI
6. Adolf Hitler
Random article: The Tenth Power
2.battle of midway
4.Adolf Hitler

took 2 minutes.
Random: Brøndby Stadium

2 UEFA Cup 1990-91

3 Eintracht Frankfurt

4 Germany

5 Nazi Party

6 Adolf Hitler

WOW... that was on my first try
. I have never even thought to play this "game" before. I only skimmed through the articles though so it onlytook 3-4 minutes.
I love that, it actually makes me feel ok about wasting time online. I'll mix it up with a lot of Wikipedia so I learn or read about interesting topics.
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

^I see what you're doing... that may just take EXACTLY 2.
Nah G less than 5 minutes

Bill Callahan (coach)>>Tim Brown (american football) >> NASCAR >> Dario Franchitti >> Italitan descent >> WW 2 >> Hitler

Last night I spent a lot of time reading up on Christmas traditions in different countries. Pretty cool.
I always start at one thing and end with somethin' that seems to be completely unrelated to the OG topic......always.

Last time I "wikied" was a few days ago, started with Karyn Parsons and ended with Black idea how.
speaking of...

Spidey FTW (Batman can take a hike...yeah, I'm referring to that CLASSIC thread, sue me)

[edit] Spider-sense
Spider-Man's "spider-sense" manifests in a tingling feeling at the base of his skull, alerting him to personal danger in proportion to the severity of that danger. It appears to be a simultaneous, seemingly clairvoyant response to a wide variety of phenomena. Though the exact mechanism of this ability is unknown, his original spider-sense clearly has at least two aspects in addition to sensing potential or immediate danger:

A psychological awareness of his surroundings, similar to the radar-sense of Daredevil. When he is temporarily blinded[21], Spider-Man learns to emulate this ability and navigate without his eyesight. Even under normal conditions, his spider-sense helps him navigate darkened rooms, instinctively avoiding obstacles or hazards, or potentially noisy or unstable floorboards, walls or ceilings that may betray his presence. In one comic, he is shown sensing how many fingers Mary Jane is holding up.

An ability to detect certain radio frequencies. Spider-Man's technical skill is such that he has designed spider-tracers that broadcast a signal detectable by his spider-sense.
Using his spider-sense to time his enhanced reflexes, Spider-Man can casually dodge attacks up to and including automatic-weapons fire. Even point blank, his spider-sense has already warned him in enough time to get away like a precognitive sense, before he can even consciously think about his actions. However, he can ignore this instinct. His spider-sense is sufficiently well-linked to his reflexes, even before "The Other" storyline, that a threat can trigger them even when Spider-Man is asleep or stunned,
as in Amazing Spider-Man #141, where a narcotic gas released by foe Mysterio caused him to lose his balance and fall from a building. Though barely conscious, a combination of spider-sense and reflex caused his arm to seize a fire-escape ladder, saving his life.

When Spider-Man swings across a city on his weblines, his spider-sense guides his aim, allowing him to travel at high speeds hundreds of feet above street level with minimal concentration, confident his weblines will find secure anchor points.

Spider-Man's spider-sense is directional and can guide him to or away from hidden weapons and enemies. Sudden and extreme threats (such as the Beyonder observing Earth before the first Secret Wars, the Ultimate version of Venom, or the predatory Morlun) can cause his spider-sense to react with painful intensity.

Spider-Man can also sense and dodge attacks directed randomly or by a computer. His spider-sense has helped him preserve his secret identity since it alerts him to observers or cameras when changing into or out of his costume. The spider-sense doesn't react to those whom Peter does not deem a threat, such as Aunt May. Contrary to this, his spider sense has warned him of people close to him when he dosn't wish to be seen, such as when he's partly in costume.

Spider-Man can choose to ignore his spider-sense, and distraction or fatigue can cause him to ignore his spider-sense.

Spider-Man has used his spider-sense to battle even the most skilled fighters in the Marvel Universe. While not being as trained as them in conventional fighting styles his spider-sense and reflexes (provided with split second quickness and agility) allow him to dodge and counter, often with ease

After the "Disassembled" and "The Other" storylines, Spider-Man gains the ability to feel vibrations and currents in the air or in his web lines, much like a real spider. He also develops a psychic connection to insects, spiders, and other arthropods (see below). The spider-sense also allows Spidey to determine the source of the incoming attack, which gives him an advantage against enemies who are all over the place like Spot. However, much like his physical attributes, his spider-sense reverts to its original limits after the events of "Brand New Day".

It's not even close
Black Capped Chickadee> Nuthatch (I had to
) > **** (who the hell is naming these birds
) > Great **** (

I just stopped after reading this "Great **** will join winter tit flocks with other species."

People make up crap and write whole books about it ALL THE TIME. The common man just thinks it's all gravybecause it takes longer for the book's crap to be published and printed than it does for a click of a mouse to give the wikiwankster instantvalidation.. Word to White Jesus.
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