Why do most companies pay you every two weeks?

Sep 16, 2003
For those with self control I think you'd agree every week > every two weeks. That's one thing I loved about CVS.
Imagine getting paid once a month like I do working in the financial industry. It's cool though because I DJ as well and it teaches you great moneymanagement skills.
getting paid every week was the life, but getting paid every two weeks has taught me to manage money better and not live paycheck to paycheck
From what I remember, I've worked 8 jobs in my lifetime. Only one has every paid weekly: Safeway

I would LOVE to get paid weekly, but Banner Health isn't having it.
My parents were line workers at General Motors/Delphi, so all I knew was a weekly payday. I remember being salty as hell when I got my first job, haha.
Originally Posted by GG0tti

A friend of mine, gets paid monthly. I don't think I could ever do that.

I use to think the same thing before I started my current gig, but I've gotten use to it since I've been here 18 months now. It's beautiful whenyou get a bonus at the end of month
Originally Posted by Da R Entertainment

Imagine getting paid once a month like I do working in the financial industry. It's cool though because I DJ as well and it teaches you great money management skills.
i got paid every 2 weeks on my first job and manage somehow to save money and buy a car.

I get paid everyweek on my current job it like the saying goes... live paycheck to paycheck... they don't last no time.
I get paid every two weeks and I hate it. I have money saved but try not to touch it. It really does help you manage better. I'm used to it now and I havean pretty good idea how much I spend every two weeks. I will pay my bills that Friday, put the money I need in my checking and then dump the rest into mysavings.

I think the do it because it is probably easier for the accounting department.
Originally Posted by airkeung88

Every week pad is better imo, but you'll spent the money faster too.

Exactly. The more you see the more you spend. You learn that your WANTS aren't a priority as oppose to your NEEDS.
Getting cash every week FTW!

and that's not necessarily true about spending more $$ if you get paid more often, if your good with managing money it doesn't matter how often/rarelyyou get paid.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

For those with self control I think you'd agree every week > every two weeks. That's one thing I loved about CVS.

maybe I am misunderstanding you but I don't get your logic here. I get paid every month and would think that it would take more self control to deal withgetting paid less often.. so IMO for those with 'self control' it doesn't really matter how often you get paid. but again, maybe I ammisunderstanding.
I think getting paid bi-weekly with keep you from splurging.

I used to get paid weekly, but I felt limited as to spending it properly.
I don't know anyone who doesn't get paid monthly - that's the norm around here.

I couldn't cope any other way. All my bills are monthly - mortgage, insurance, car etc. so I would just end up using a whole week on those and then have nomoney for the rest of the week. At least this way I just make all the payments on the first of the month (paid on the 28th) and then the rest of the money isfor groceries and stuff.
due to cash flow....good amount of my friends get paid weekly..i get that biweekly but it just helps with money managment really.
really it shouldnt matter, because the longer between paychecks the more theyll be so it evens out.

I get paid every week with Publix, but my dad be gettin it biweekly where he work at
It's cheaper to pay employees every two weeks instead of every week.

My company goes through ADP for all payroll services, and we just switched to two weeks instead of the regular one week checks when I started working here tolower operational expenses.
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