When A Confrontation Escalates !!!!!!!! Vol.


Jan 28, 2008
Say an argument heats up...you are damn near trading oxygen .... The other is actually in the wrong over some nonsense. Either drunk or just irate. Your soclose to the opposition your heart is beating out of your effin chest cavity. Do you..........

A. Try to talk and calm the situation down and make piece

B. Back up and walk away just because you're not the one for confrontations (risk getting swong on from behind)

C. Size everybody up thats around you, look at the numbers and call for back up if you have it

D. Bomb first!! Swing on em only because there is no telling what they are about to do?
B. For most situations and girls. This is what you should always do.


C. and D. If you are possibly drunk or there is no way of getting out of the situation (i.e) dude is set on fighting you or your about to get jumped.
I really have to assess the situation.

If there are mutual friends or something - A

If I'm outnumbered or its clearly my fault (but the ego usually never lets me to) - B

If something is just too important that I have to fight for it - C

If I have numbers or I can easily body the other person just on observation - D
I gota chose C or D.. I'll have to take the A^*@ Whooping if it's less than 3 dudes
A. Try to talk and calm the situation down and make piece
If letting the other person go isn't going to affect me.. or that I won't regret it.

B. Back up and walk away just because you're not the one for confrontations (risk getting swong on from behind)
If a random female tries to argue with me.. and I don't know why and feel that I have nothing to do with it

C. Size everybody up thats around you, look at the numbers and call for back up if you have it
If they're trying to pick a fight.. def call for back up

D. Bomb first!! Swing on em only because there is no telling what they are about to do?
If this dood is badmouthing my family then he's definitely getting a beating

so all in all, it really depends on the situation..
"Your heart is beating out of your effin chest"

With me when its to that point, the hands about to fly. Although the older I get, I've started to realize that isnt the best situation.
Originally Posted by KingofallKickz
depends on the situation

a and b for girls

if really necessary d

in all I avoid confrontations. they're a waste of my time, usually they all lead to violence, and I cannot deal with the law and the foolish courtsystem.......
im never really in confrontations but if they ever occur, im always with a group of people who got my back so it never escalates.
100% of the time they happen, im drunk anyway.
Originally Posted by BrOwNiN187

I really have to assess the situation.

If there are mutual friends or something - A

If I'm outnumbered or its clearly my fault (but the ego usually never lets me to) - B

If something is just too important that I have to fight for it - C

If I have numbers or I can easily body the other person just on observation - D

Pretty Much
Usually A or B...Fighting is too childish.

I would only fight if someone was to swing on me first.
I really have to assess the situation.

If there are mutual friends or something - A

If I'm outnumbered or its clearly my fault (but the ego usually never lets me to) - B

If something is just too important that I have to fight for it - C

If I have numbers or I can easily body the other person just on observation - D
Originally Posted by BrOwNiN187

I really have to assess the situation.

If there are mutual friends or something - A

If I'm outnumbered or its clearly my fault (but the ego usually never lets me to) - B

If something is just too important that I have to fight for it - C

If I have numbers or I can easily body the other person just on observation - D
it depends on who it is

my boy -A:I wont fight my mans in any circumstance. Or even if it was somebody i used to be supercoo wit i wont do it

female-A/B: I couldnt take a female serious in that situation. So id probably try to talk the situation down or jus roll out or laugh it off. But if i had mygirl/j.o. wit me i would definetly hit her wit the "get her". then again i probably wouldnt cuz i cant stand to see females fight.

somebody i dont know- D: It would be time to get it. If somebody's comin at me like that yea it would be time to get it!
I thought there was going to be a video in here of a fight or something...I'm severely disappointed
I try to calm the situation down and offer to buy the man a drink or something which is my first check to square em off: check for any bulges in his pocketsaround the waist, or around his ankle for a gun/weapon.

Second check remember where the exits are.

Third check.. remember who you're here with. If you're with your lady, you can't just knock this dude out and expect a clean get away with all hispeoples all around him.

Fourth check... if dude won't calm down and is still on your face then...

D. Bomb first!! Swing on em only because there is no telling what they are about to do?

I will never do the "lets go outside and handle this like men" type of fight because you have to reassess the entire scenario again. If someone is inmy face and physically threatening me, I try to swing first and ask questions later. Natural instinct should take over and hopefully all those hours sparingwill pay off.
some kid at my school got knocked out at they gym, cause they was fighting over who had next downs... smh.. i'm too old to be fightin over something likethat... i'd just be like "well let me run with you then".
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