What's your take on our sneaker culture?

Mar 11, 2007
Got a quick question for my Toronto NT'ers, or Canada (don't want to demographically exclude some of you who might want to contribute)... as some of you might find this question amateur. 

Do you feel like the sneaker culture is slowly dying off here (Toronto)?

For myself, I don't see it growing per say.  I'm starting to get the vibe that it will be a fad that will come and go, much like that one year where you see everyone wear ipod and livestrong rubber bands.  People will realize that they won't have the financial means to constant catch up with the latest sneaker, or some of the gear from boutique stores. 

Some of the contributing factors I see:
- the financial crisis in late 2008
- quality of shoes dissipating
- creativity of shoes, ideas and such lacking
- some of the crowd just moving on

What do you guys think?

EDIT: If anything, the hype isn't all there.  And units aren't being moved in boat-loads, which doesn't over inflate prices.  At the end we're paying decent prices for a pair of shoes. 
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